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Title Renew online to continue receiving California Agriculture!
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Publication Date Jan 1, 2010
Date Added Jan 11, 2010
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2010
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RSvP Letters wHAt DO YOU tHiNK ? The editorial staff of Fighting 150 million years of cell - wall evolution California Agriculture your RSS feed so I can keep up . You might want to welcomes your letters , Good articles on biofuels ( October â?? December provide an easy way for other subscribers to switch . comments and sugges - 2009 ) â?? and timely . To what extent is the research Bravo , for digitizing current and all the previ - tions . Please write to us on how to break down plant cell walls fighting at ous issues . Too many journals , especially the more at 6701 San Pablo Ave . , least 150 million years of plant specialized ones , have not done that . Youâ??ve made 2nd floor , Oakland , CA evolution that protects plants all that material available to everyone all over the 94608 or calag @ ucop . from decaying fungi and bac - world , including the younger generation that be - edu . Include your full name and address . Let - teria ? If we were to produce lieves if itâ??s not in Google it doesnâ??t exist ! ters may be edited for a plant with a cell wall that anthony Meadow space and clarity . was easy for humans to break Oakland down , would this plant not be vulnerable to attack ? This Editorâ??s note : Thank you , and others , for this sugges - plant might be difficult to tion . We have retooled the Web site to allow readers grow , a fact of particular im - to easily ( 1 ) renew , if they wish to continue receiv - Oct . â?? Dec . 2009 portance to tree farmers like ing the print journal , ( 2 ) go electronic or ( 3 ) request myself . ( I have managed my familyâ??s tree farm in print subscriptions . Go to the Subscribe button ( top Comptche since 1977 . ) It could be that humans are bar ) â?? and be sure you have your subscriber num - the neophytes here in the effort to find ways to eas - ber ( above your name on the address label ) . ily grow and rot wood . George hollister Comptche , CA Renew online to continue receiving California Agriculture ! Author Laura Bartley , UC Davis postdoctoral plant To our valued readers : pathologist , replies : â?? Go electronic ! â?? is a now a renewal As California and UC face unprece - You make an excellent and sobering point . Cell option ; you will receive an e - mail noti - dented financial crises , we must ask you walls function as a barrier to , and present specific fication of each new issue , with a link to resubscribe online . This will enable biochemical defenses against , pests and patho - to the Web site . ( Electronic subscribers us to remove any readers from our list gens . In light of this , cell - wall researchers routinely may later update their subscriber infor - who have no current interest , and gives mation and restart the print journal . ) you the opportunity to update and cor - subject plants with modified walls to inoculation Questions ? rect your subscriber information . with pathogens and at times find increased sus - E - mail calag @ or call If you wish to continue receiving ceptibility . Modified energy crops will need to be ( 510 ) 642 - 2431 , x33 . â?? oEditorr ( 510 ) 642 - 2431 , x33 . â?? Edit California Agriculture , please go to : field - tested for hardiness under diverse conditions ghttp : / / / / http : / / californiaagriculture.ucanr.or before large - scale use . This said , we remain opti - subscribe.cfm mistic . Plant evolution has been limited to acting Before you start : Please find your bsub - - Please find your su on lineage - limited combinations of genetic mate - scriber number , above your name oonn scriber number , above your name rial . We hope that a semirational approach that the address label of any recent eissue . . the address label of any recent issu â?? combines multiple changes , such as new wall com - Online renewal saves us the post - positions along with wall - independent means for age and tabulation cost of the rpostcardd age and tabulation cost of the postca disease resistance , will allow us to both â?? grow and renewal we have used in the past . rot wood . â?? Other approaches may avoid this chal - lenge . For example , one idea is to make plants that produce cell - wall degrading enzymes at the end of their life cycle . corrections : Cal Ag subscriber goes electronic The October â?? December 2009 issue contained the following errors , which were corrected online : Iâ??m the head of a small software company , but I â?¢ Typographical errors were corrected in ï¬?gure 5 ( page 175 ) of the have a longstanding interest in agriculture . I think review article by Bryan Jenkins et al . ; the correct words are â?? coal â?? the farmers of California do an incredible job in ( not â?? goal â?? ) and â?? grease â?? ( not â?? grass â?? ) . For corrected figure , go to : producing so much food . My wife and I have been http : / / / files / repository / calag / fig6304p175 . jpg . going to farmerâ??s markets for more than 20 years . â?¢ Page 164 included a picture of wild rice , which is not under However , thereâ??s still a big gap between the knowl - consideration as a biofuel . The photograph was replaced with the edge and experience of most city dwellers and most Japonica species predominant in California rice production . Go to : farmers . Iâ??m trying to educate myself . http : / / / files / repository / calag / img6304p164 . jpg . Iâ??ve been a print subscriber to California â?¢ The title of a review article by charles E . Wyman and Bin yang Agriculture for several years but I would like to was changed to â?? Cellulosic biomass could help meet Californiaâ??s switch to an electronic subscription . Iâ??ve added transportation fuel needs â?? ( addition of the word â?? help â?? ; page 185 ) . http : / / â?¢ JaNUaRy â?? MaRch 2010 5
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