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Title Cal Ag art director retires
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Publication Date Apr 1, 2010
Date Added Jun 20, 2010
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2010
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RSVP Letters WHAt DO YOU tHINK ? The editorial staff of IPM for lBAM California Agriculture ing . Not sure how holistic that is , but I thank the welcomes your letters , I just read the article on integrated pest manage - comments and sugges - farmers and animals . ment ( IPM ) for the light brown apple moth ( LBAM ) tions . Please write to us at The article on urban bees ( â?? Native bees are a in New Zealand , and I want to thank you for pub - 6701 San Pablo Ave . , 2nd rich natural resource in urban California gardens â?? ) lishing this research ( â?? New Zealand lessons may floor , Oakland , CA 94608 is on the very cusp . I have some friends who keep aid efforts to control light or calag @ . bees in the suburbs here . What I loved about your brown apple moth in Califor - Include your full name bee package was how much I learned about the nia , â?? by Lucia Varela et al . , and address . Letters many varieties of bees and their different life - may be edited for space January - March 2010 ) . and clarity . strategies . It is such a relief and pleasure to me to see docu - Joseph A . Davis , Writer - Editor Bethesda , MD mented â?? in a peer - reviewed scientific journal by a team with such excellent creden - Cal Ag art director retires tials â?? what the literature Jan . â?? Mar . 2010 on LBAM and the experience Davis Krauter , California Agricultureâ??s art director in New Zealand tell us about the real risk ( or lack since 2001 , retired on Feb . 26 with 26 years of ser - thereof ) posed by LBAM and the effectiveness of vice to the University . He presided over more than simple , low - impact IPM methods for managing 40 issues of the journal , including several award - LBAM , if management is needed . winners , with his characteristically strong sense of I sincerely hope that this research on parasitoids design and color ; attention to detail and the â?? big for LBAM will lead to a much more rigorously picture â?? ; and plenty of wit and humor . During his science - based approach that will result both in re - tenure , California Agricultureâ??s look became more stylized , vibrant and lieving farmers of burdensome quarantines and in modern , with clear and appealing figures and tables and exacting color ending the costly , unnecessary , and likely also dan - calibration . Davis played a major role in the overhaul of the California gerous and ineffective eradication program that the Agriculture Web site to a dynamic , database - driven model . From 1984 state has been promoting . to 2001 , Krauter worked as artist and senior artist with University and Nan Wishner , Chair Emeritus External Relations in the UC Office of the President . Krauter earned a Integrated Pest Management Task Force , Albany , CA bachelor of science degree in environmental education from UC Berke - Amazing urban bees ley's College of Natural Resources . Davis plans to freelance , travel , work on his Berkeley house and spend more time with his wife Kristine . The photo on the cover of the July - September 2009 issue of California Agriculture ( â?? Native Bees Enrich Urban Gardens â?? ) is amazing ( and many of the inside photos are great , too ) . Was that shot by a Continue receiving California Agriculture ? researcher or by someone on the magazineâ??s staff ? To our valued readers : I just wanted to let you If you wish to continue If you cannot renew know the magazine looks receiving California Agriculture , online or have trouble great . please go to : entering your subscriber July â?? Sept . 2009 number , please write us at http : / / californiaagriculture . Kevin Leigh Smith , Editor , Agricultural Communication calag @ . / subscribe.cfm Purdue University , West Lafayette , IN â?? Editor We periodically remove any readers from our list who vhavee readers from our list who ha Editorâ??s note : The cover photograph was shot by Rollin no current interest in the ljournal . . no current interest in the journa Coville , an environmental entomologist , photographer We will soon purge readers hwhoo We will soon purge readers w and member of Gordon Frankieâ??s research team at UC have not responded . Berkeley . Before you start : Find uyourr Find yo subscriber number above â?? your name on the address I read California Agriculture ( July - September 2009 ) label of any recent issue . closely enough to have noticed the ACE award you won , so hereâ??s a hearty congratulations . Well - deserved , and has been for a long time . I was read - ing it while eating my bacon and eggs this morn - http : / / â?¢ APRIL â?? JUNE 2010 53
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