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Title Suckow hired as Cal Ag's new art director
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Publication Date Jul 1, 2010
Date Added Aug 4, 2010
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2010
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Letters RSVP WHAT DO YOU THINK ? The editorial staff of California Agriculture Blast from the past welcomes your letters , Suckow hired as Cal Agâ??s new art director What a blast from the past . One of my co - workers comments and sugges - e - mailed me the April - June 2010 issue of California tions . please write to Will Suckow is the new art director for California us at : 1301 s . 46th st . , Agriculture after seeing my picture in it , and there I Agriculture journal . Suckow was the principal producer / Building 478 - MC 3580 , was , feeding calves director for Communication Services from 1997 until Richmond , CA 94804 ( page 61 ) . I was ac - 2003 , when he left to run his design and illustration or calag @ . tually a student Include your full name business . Suckow will be designing and laying out intern that spring and address . Letters may California Agriculture journal ( replacing Davis Krauter ) in plant taxonomy be edited for space and and other ANR publications . He earned a Bachelorâ??s clarity . at the Sierra Field and Masterâ??s of Fine Arts in graphic Station at Browns design from California State Valley , and stayed University , Fullerton . Prior to joining the summer feed - ANR in 1997 , he worked as a ing cows and calves . graphic artist for UC Davis University Knight in 1974 My name was Marla Extension , Claremont University and Shapiro at the time , Cal State Fullerton . Suckow can it was the summer of 1974 , I was 20 years old , and I be reached at ( 510 ) 665 - 2198 and believe my mom took that picture while visiting . wsuckow @ . I was a sophomore at UC Davis , had just failed organic chemistry , and was looking for a break from math , chemistry and physics ! My interest in botany led me to the internship , where I was one Climate change issue , Cal Ag Web site , Byron win of two students creating the herbarium at the sta - ACE awards tion . It changed my life . Iâ??ve been a botanist now California Agriculture jour - for 30 years at the Klamath National Forest in nal received two awards northern California ( I repeated organic chemistry from the Association for successfully ) . Communication Excellence My co - workers are tickled at this part of my in Agriculture , Natural life that they knew nothing about , especially my Resources , and Life and friends at the county agriculture department . Human Sciences ( ACE ) , at the Thanks for bringing back memories of a great time . June 2010 ACE conference in Marla A . Knight St . Louis . Botanist , Klamath National Forest The silver award for techni - Fort Jones April â?? June 2009 cal publications was awarded to Executive Editor Janet White , Managing Editor Janet Byron and Art Director Cal Ag moves to Richmond Davis Krauter ( retired ) for the special issue , â?? â?? Unequivocal â?? : How climate The California Agriculture journal staff , and ANR change will transform California â?? warehouse and customer service staff , have ( Vol . 63 , No . 2 ) . moved to UC Berkeleyâ??s Richmond Field Station Our redesigned Web site , in the former Forest Products Lab , from their California Agriculture Online previous headquarters at the Marchant Building ( ) , in Oakland . won a bronze award for electronic publications . The development team Our new contact information is : included White , Byron , Krauter , Web California Agriculture journal Editors Andrea Laue and Michael 1301 S . 46th Street Talman , Web Developer Dave Krause http : / / Building 478 - MC 3580 and Web Action Team Manager Karl Krist . Richmond , CA 94804 Byron was also selected to receive ( 510 ) 665 - 2163 ( main line ) the 2010 ACE Western Region Pioneer Award , rec - ( 510 ) 665 - 3427 ( fax ) ognizing individuals â?? whose hard work and vision helped establish ACE . â?? http : / / â?¢ JULy â?? sEpTEMBER 2010 117
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