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Publication Date Oct 1, 2010
Date Added Oct 20, 2010
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2010
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UC prohibits discrimination or harassment of any person on the basis California Agriculture of race , color , national origin , religion , sex , gender identity , pregnancy 1301 S . 46th Street ( including childbirth , and medical conditions related to pregnancy or Building 478 , MC 3580 childbirth ) , physical or mental disability , medical condition ( cancer - Richmond , CA 94804 related or genetic characteristics ) , ancestry , marital status , age , sexual calag @ orientation , citizenship , or service in the uniformed services ( as defined Phone : ( 510 ) 665 - 2163 by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of Fax : ( 510 ) 665 - 3427 1994 : service in the uniformed services includes membership , application for membership , performance of service , application for service , or obligation for service in the uniformed services ) in any of its programs or activities . University policy also prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person in any of its programs or activities for making a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment or for using or participating in the investigation or resolution process of any such complaint . University policy is intended to be consistent with the provisions of applicable State and Federal laws . Inquiries regarding the Universityâ??s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Director , University of California , Agriculture and Natural Resources , th 1111 Franklin Street , 6 Floor , Oakland , CA 94607 , ( 510 ) 987 - 0096 . Visit California Agriculture online : http : / / / CaliforniaAgriculture nAVAILABLEication CCOMINGUPalifornia from ANR Commu Services in Agriculture Urban Pest Management of Ants in California Ants are among the most prevalent pests in urban areas . They invade houses , restaurants , hospitals , offices , warehouses â?? anywhere they can find food and awa - - can find food and w ter . Once destablished , , ter . Once establishe colonies are difficult ttoo colonies are difficult control and present a control and present formidable echallenge . . formidable challeng Responding to the publicâ??s grow - ing demand for slesss ing demand for le toxic , environmen - tally friendly pest - control techniques and increasing regulatory control Vossen of pesticides , UC M . experts have writ - Paul ten a new guide to aid pest control professionals in California olive industry takes root developing more The California olive revival of the past 15 years has seen a effective , targeted quiescent industry come dramatically to life . By fall 2008 , an and greener solutions to urban nantt and greener solutions to urban a estimated 19,570 acres of olives were planted , tripling from problems . Illustrated with 77 color photographs , 3 years prior . Another 10,000 acres were planned in 2009 , the guide covers status , identification , biology and the production of premium olive oil was predicted to and management strategies for the four major triple in the next 3 years from 400,000 to 1.2 million gallons . urban ant species as well as 16 frequently encoun - In the next issue of California Agriculture journal , researchers tered species . review the role of a new , scientifically selected and trained ANR Pub No 3524 , 92 pp , $ 20 sensory - evaluation panel in raising the quality of the stateâ??s olive oil ; examine the potential for super - high - density olive To order : culture and new European cultivars in California ; and pres - ent research on control of olive fruit fly , a primary pest of Call ( 800 ) 994 - 8849 or ( 510 ) 665 - 2195 this crop . or go to http : / / or visit your local UC Cooperative Extension office
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