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Title About California Agriculture
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Publication Date Apr 1, 2011
Date Added Apr 1, 2011
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2011
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California Agriculture About letters . The editorial staff welcomes your letters , California Agriculture is a quarterly , peer - reviewed comments and suggestions . Please write to us at the journal reporting research , reviews and news , pub - address below . Include your full name and address . lished by the Division of Agriculture and Natural Letters may be edited for space and clarity . Resources ( ANR ) of the University of California . Subscriptions . Subscriptions are free within the The first issue appeared in December 1946 , making United States , and $ 24 per year abroad . Single cop - it one of the oldest , continuously published , land - ies are $ 5 each . Go to http : / / californiaagriculture . grant university research journals in the country . / subscribe.cfm or write to us . Interna - The print circulation is currently about 15,000 do - tional orders must include check or money order mestic and 1,800 international , with a strong online in U.S . funds , payable to the UC Regents . Master - presence . Mission and audience . California Agricultureâ??s Card / Visa accepted ; include complete address , mission is to publish scientifically sound research signature and expiration date . Permissions . Articles may be reprinted , provided in a form that is accessible to a well - educated audi - that no advertisement for a commercial product ence . In the last readership survey , 33 % worked in is implied or imprinted . Please credit California agriculture , 31 % were faculty members at universi - Agriculture , University of California , citing volume ties or research scientists , and 19 % worked in gov - and number , or complete date of issue , followed ernment agencies or were elected office holders . indexing . The journal is indexed by AGRICOLA ; by inclusive page numbers . Indicate © [ [ year ] ] Current Contents ( Thomson ISIâ??s Agriculture , The Regents of the University of California . Biology and Environmental Sciences , and the Photographs in print or online may not be re - SCIE databases ) ; Commonwealth Agricultural printed without permission . Bureau ( CAB ) databases ; EBSCO ( Academic Search Complete ) ; Gale , including Lexis - Nexis ; Google Scholar ; Proquest ; and others , including open - access databases . It has high visibility on Google and California Agriculture Google Scholar searches . All peer - reviewed articles are posted to the California Digital Libraryâ??s Peer - reviewed research and news published by the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources , University of California eScholarship Repository . VOLUME 65 , NUMBER 2 Authors and reviewers . Authors are primarily but not exclusively from ANR ; in 2008 , 15 % were 1301 S . 46th St . , Bldg . 478 , Richmond , CA 94804 - 4600 based at other UC campuses , or other universities Phone : ( 510 ) 665 - 2163 ; Fax : ( 510 ) 665 - 3427 ; calag @ http : / / and research institutions , and 13 % in 2009 . In 2008 and 2009 , 14 % and 50 % ( respectively ) of reviewers Executive Editor : Janet White Managing Editor : Janet Byron came from universities and research institutions or Senior Editor : Hazel White Art Director : Will Suckow agencies outside ANR . Administrative Support : Carol Lopez , María Muñoz , Rejection rate . The rejection rate ranged between Sandra K . Willard 20 % and 25 % in the last three years . In addition , Associate Editors associate editors and staff sent back 24 % of manu - scripts for revision prior to peer review . Animal , Avian , Aquaculture & Veterinary Sciences : Bruce Hoar , Kathryn Radke , Carolyn Stull , Lisa C . Thompson Peer - review policies . All manuscripts submit - Economics & Public Policy : Peter Berck , Rachael Goodhue , ted for publication in California Agriculture undergo Karen Klonsky , Alvin Sokolow double - blind , anonymous peer review . Each sub - Food & Nutrition : Amy Block Joy , Sharon E . Fleming , mission is forwarded to the appropriate associate Sheri Zidenberg - Cherr editor for evaluation , who then nominates three human & Community Development : David Campbell , qualified reviewers . If the first two reviews are af - Richard Ponzio , Ellen Rilla firmative , the article is accepted . If one is negative , land , Air & Water Sciences : Mark E . Grismer , Kenneth Tate , the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer . The as - Shrinivasa K . Upadhyaya , Bryan Weare sociate editor makes the final decision , in consulta - Natural Resources : Adina Merenlender , Kevin Oâ??Hara , Richard B . Standiford tion with the managing and executive editors . Pest Management : Kent Daane , Deborah A . Golino , Editing . After peer review and acceptance , all Joseph Morse , James Stapleton manuscripts are extensively edited by the California Plant Sciences : Kent Bradford , Kevin R . Day , Agriculture staff to ensure readability for an edu - Joseph Grant , Rachael F . Long , Carol Lovatt cated lay audience and multidisciplinary academics . Submissions . California Agriculture manages the California Agriculture ( ISSN 0008 - 0845 ) is published quarterly and mailed at periodi - peer review of manuscripts online . Please read our cals postage paid at Richmond , CA , and additional mailing offices . Postmaster : Send Writing Guidelines before submitting an article ; go change of address â?? Form 3579 â?? to California Agriculture at the address above . to http : / / / submit.cfm . © 2011 The Regents of the University of California 52 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE â?¢ VOLUME 65 , NUMBER 2
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