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Title TO OUR READERS: California Agriculture kicks off E-Edition, allowing faster publication
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Publication Date Jul 1, 2011
Date Added Jul 28, 2011
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2011
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Letters RSVP WHAT DO YOU THINK ? The editorial staff of California Agriculture TO OuR ReAdeRS : welcomes your letters , comments and sugges - California Agriculture kicks off e - edition , allowing faster publication tions . Please write to us at : 1301 S . 46th St . , wo electronic - only articles appear in this issue , permitting , E - Edition articles may be printed in a Building 478 - MC 3580 , Tlaunching California Agricultureâ??s first E - Edition , future issue . Richmond , CA 94804 , an expanded venue for rapid publication of time - E - Edition articles will be laid out just like print or calag @ . sensitive findings . articles , with tables , figures and photographs . Include your full name and address . Letters New findings on a promising biofuel crop for Readers can download and print copies in HTML may be edited for space California appear on the website only ; read them or PDF format . Authors will be able to print articles and clarity . at by clicking on demand for distribution to target audiences . â?? Current Issue â?? and scrolling down to E - Edition . Like all published articles , E - Edition articles Similarly , research on why California rice growers will benefit from California Agricultureâ??s augmented protect their harvests from contamination by trans - electronic presence ( see â?? Indexing , â?? page 100 ) . genic rice appears on the website alone . The journal also appears in full on the California â?? Initially , E - Edition is being offered to authors Digital Library and in the ANR Repository . It ranks who have been waiting for publication due to our high in Google and Google Scholar searches . backlog , â?? says Janet White , executive editor . â?? The In addition , California Agriculture recently began statewide budget crisis has led to a 48 - page cap on accepting submissions via Thomsonâ??s ScholarOne our journal . Some articles have waited a year or peer - review management system . The new system more for publication , an unacceptable delay . â?? allows authors and reviewers expanded access to E - Edition also means that , with this issue , Thomsonâ??s Web of Science ( for ease of research and the journal will change from print to electronic documentation ) as well as other features . California â?? version of record , â?? the online version becoming Agriculture welcomes new research submissions . the authoritative version to be indexed by data - Go to : http : / / / bases and repositories . Readers can preview the submit.cfm . abstracts and introductory comments of these Share your comments and suggestions : Janet articles at â?? E - Edition : Online â?? ( page 159 ) . Such White , jlwhite @ or ( 510 ) 665 - 2201 or â?? thumbnail â?? descriptions will appear in the print Janet Byron , jlbyron @ or ( 510 ) 665 - 2194 . journal concurrent with each E - Edition . Space â?? Editors Clarification : Olive fruit fly in Mariposa County Smart sprayers pay in Australia After our article â?? Understanding the seasonal and I just read â?? Smart sprayer technology provides reproductive biology of olive fruit fly is critical to its environmental and economic benefits in Cali - management , â?? was published in the January â?? March fornia orchards , â?? April â?? June 2011 . We retrofitted 2011 issue of California Ag - this system to our almond orchard sprayers for riculture , Cathi Boze , the $ 5,000 Australian dollars ( $ 5,218 U.S . ) each , 4 agricultural commissioner years ago . If anything , the predicted estimates of in Mariposa County , noted savings are conservative . In addition to the tree that her county was not sensors on our foliar sprayers , we have set up included as infested on â?? Weed Seeker â?? heads on our herbicide sprayers . the map of California on While these cost four times more than the tree page 15 . Mariposa County sensors , the payback period has been similar . was not listed as trapping Tim Orr April â?? June 2011 for olive fruit flies in the Lake Cullulleraine Almonds California Agriculture Cullulleraine , Australia California Department of Food and Agricultureâ??s list Redwoods regenerate on 7,000 - plus acres of counties that we used to January â?? March 2011 The Mendocino Land Trust congratulates California make the map . However , California Agriculture Agriculture on the recent article about the remark - Boze did indeed run traps able regrowth of redwoods at Big River ( â?? Scientists in the county , and olive fruit flies were first detected discover redwoods â?? resiliency in Fritzâ??s Wonder Plot , â?? there in 2003 . April â?? June 2011 ) . The Fritz Wonder Plot is part of 7,334 Frank Zalom acres of former industrial timberland that now make Professor , CE Specialist and Entomologist up the Big River unit of the Mendocino Headlands UC Agricultural Experiment Station continued on page 101 http : / / â?¢ JULY â?? SEPTEMBER 2011 99
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