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Publication Date Jan 1, 2012
Date Added Jan 4, 2012
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2012
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UC prohibits discrimination or harassment of any person on the basis of race , color , national origin , religion , sex , gender identity , pregnancy ( including childbirth , and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth ) , physical or mental disability , California Agriculture medical condition ( cancer - related or genetic characteristics ) , ancestry , marital 1301 S . 46th Street status , age , sexual orientation , citizenship , or service in the uniformed services Building 478 , MC 3580 ( as de � ned by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Richmond , CA 94804 Act of 1994 : service in the uniformed services includes membership , application calag @ for membership , performance of service , application for service , or obligation for Phone : ( 510 ) 665 - 2163 service in the uniformed services ) in any of its programs or activities . University policy Fax : ( 510 ) 665 - 3427 also prohibits reprisal or retaliation against any person in any of its programs or activities for making a complaint of discrimination or sexual harassment or for using or participating in the investigation or resolution process of any such complaint . University policy is intended to be consistent with the provisions of applicable State and Federal laws . Inquiries regarding the Universityâ??s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Af � rmative Action / Equal Opportunity Director , University th of California , Agriculture and Natural Resources , 1111 Franklin Street , 6 Floor , Oakland , CA 94607 , ( 510 ) 987 - 0096 . Visit California Agriculture online : http : / / / CaliforniaAgriculture at # CalifAgric Like us on Facebook ! C O M I N G U CPalifornia AVA I L A B L rEom in rAgriculturee in California Agricultu f ANR Crisosto Carlos Guidance for vegetable growers wo new full - color manuals of interest to vegetable growers Tare now available . Cover Cropping for Vegetable Production is perhaps the most comprehensive , science - based book on cover cropping available to growers , while the Organic Vegetable Production provides detailed information oonn Manual provides detailed information how to farm vegetables organically , ad - dressing the essential topics for success in this highly competitive marketplace . Cover crops are an important tool for vegetable growers to reduce soil erosion , � lter water , enhance soil fertil - ity and break the life cycles of plant pathogens and pests . The handbook de - scribes primary cover crop species and includes photos , seeding details , winter Making a better kiwifruit vigor descriptions , nitrogen � xation iwifruit is marketed worldwide . This globalization has and scavenging , weed suppression and Kcreated economic advantages for early and late harvests , nematode resistance . when kiwifruit ( shown , in a dehydrator ) availability is oloww when kiwifruit ( shown , in a dehydrator ) availability is l Organic Vegetable Production is a valuable resource for established organic and prices are high . This situation has created eincentivess and prices are high . This situation has created incentiv valuable resource for established organic growers , and a must - read for those considering or - for early harvest or long - term storage , which can result iinn for early harvest or long - term storage , which can result growers , and a must - read for those considering or - poor - quality kiwifruit in the market , thereby reducing repeat ganic practices . Chapters cover a range of topics , including busi - purchases and lowering overall demand . The current widely ness and marketing plans , economic performance , soil fertility utilized quality measure for kiwifruit is based on soluble sol - management , managing weeds and diseases , postharvest han - ids concentration at harvest , but it does not measure starch , dling , and organic certi � cation and registration in California . inaccurately predicting the fruitâ??s sugar concentration after Cover Cropping for Vegetable Production , ANR Pub # 3517 , 90 pp , $ 25 postharvest ripening . A more reliable , fast and simple mea - Organic Vegetable Production Manual , ANR Pub # 3509 , 86 pp , $ 25 sure is needed to assure � avor and quality . In the next issue of California Agriculture journal , researchers report on the To order : development of a new quality index based on dry matter con - Call ( 800 ) 994 - 8849 or ( 510 ) 665 - 2195 centrations , coupled with a consumer survey of local and im - or go to http : / / or ported kiwifruit marketed during the low - availability season visit your local UC Cooperative Extension o � ce ( February - March ) .
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