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Title Survey of rice storage facilities identifies research and education needs
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Abstract More than 40 million hundredweights of rice are produced in California's Sacramento Valley every year. After harvest, the rice is stored in facilities on-farm or off-farm until it is transported to mills or to ports for export. We conducted a survey of storage operations to characterize grain storage and pest management practices to guide future UC Cooperative Extension research efforts. The results indicate that grain moisture content, temperature and insect pest management are the most important challenges for both on- and off-farm storage operations. Survey responses show high adoption of integrated pest management programs, with most storage operations relying on monitoring, thresholds, sanitation and aeration to manage pest problems. Fumigant use was reported more frequently in off-farm storage operations than on-farm operations. Cooperative Extension educational efforts should focus on grain and temperature monitoring, insect identification and safe use of fumigants. Research is needed to improve management of grain temperature and moisture content, and insect infestations.

Espino, Luis A
Rice Farming Systems Advisor
Entomology, Agronomy
Greer, Chris A. : C.A. Greer is UC Cooperative Extension Rice Farming Systems Advisor, Sutter-Yuba, Sacramento and Placer-Nevada Counties
Mutters, Randall
Emeritus Farm Advisor
Rice, winter cereals, turf
Thompson, James F
Emeritus Specialist in Cooperative Extension
Postharvest operations including drying and refrigeration of fruits, vegetables, cut flowers, tree nuts, and grains; transportation of agricultural commodities; energy management and alternative energy systems.
Publication Date Jan 1, 2014
Date Added Apr 4, 2014
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2014

IPM techniques are widely used, but improvements are possible, such as in monitoring grain temperature and identifying pests.

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