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Title MANAGING NEWLY ESTABLISHED PESTS: Cooperative efforts contained spread of Pierce's disease and found genetic resistance
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An outbreak of Pierce's disease of grapevine in the Temecula Valley in the late 1990s was one in a decades-long series of sporadic appearances of this infection in California. However, the new outbreak was qualitatively different because of the rapidity with which it spread in the vineyard and its appearance almost simultaneously at distant locations. The causative agent of Pierce's disease is the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, and the distinct characteristics of the Temecula Valley outbreak were traced to the establishment of a new insect vector in California, the glassy-winged sharpshooter. Intensive and collaborative efforts among government agencies, industry and research institutions over 15 years have successfully contained the disease, and given scientists time to discover promising long-term potential solutions through genetic resistance.

Bruening, George E
Professor   Biochemist-AES
Biochemistry of viruses, satellite RNAs and other small pathogenic RNAs, mechanisms of resistance to plant viruses, biochemistry of nucleic acids and proteins
Kirkpatrick, Bruce C
Associate Plant Pathologist-AES
Esser, Thomas : T. Esser is Special Assistant, Pierce's Disease Control Program, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento
Webster, Robert K
Professor   Plant Pathologist-AES, Emeritus
Genetics host-parasite co-evolution; disease resistance; cause and control of field crop diseases with emphasis on rice and barley
Publication Date Oct 1, 2014
Date Added Apr 1, 2015
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California
Copyright Year 2014

The PD outbreak in Temecula Valley in 1999 has been contained and release of PD-resistant vines is anticipated.

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