University of California

Creatures in the Garden:

Title Creatures in the Garden 78
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Photo Information Praying Mantis Pair on Peppers
Roper, Pamela: UC Master Gardener Vol.
Description This photo was taken in a raised bed at Martial Cottle Park in October 2016. This location is a Training and Demonstration Garden for the Master Gardener Program of Santa Clara County. Our four acre plot is part of a State and County Park which has been deeded (in perpetuity) as an agricultural park to be used to educate the public. This photo was taken in a pepper trail bed. One day when examining the peppers we discovered a pair of praying mantis. They were patiently enjoying all their pray on the peppers. On the same plant we discovered a tomato hornworm enjoying the peppers. The next day we hosted Fall Garden Market on our site along with the Park who hosts a Fall Harvest Market. We could not find the hornworm the next day but were able to show the public the mantis pair. This was a wonderful educational opportunity. We not only showcased the wonderful peppers but showed the public (especially youth) these predaceous creatures in the garden.

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