University of California

Planned Giving

Create your Legacy with a Planned Gift

You can arrange a gift in the present for allocation at a future date. A planned gift extends your generosity into the future and can have an important and long-term impact on the California 4-H program or location that you care about most, supporting its growth and success for years to come. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) accepts planned gifts on behalf of the California 4-H Foundation and the California 4-H Youth Development Program.

If you have already included UC ANR or the California 4-H program in your estate plan, we would be happy to review your gift language to ensure that we can comply with your wishes. If you would like more information regarding charitable giving as a component of your estate plan, please contact us at (530) 750-1389 or at We recommend that you seek the advice of an attorney or a tax advisor in developing your estate plan as the UC ANR Development Services office and the California 4-H Foundation may not render tax or legal advice.

Bequests are gifts made through your will or living trust. You can name the California 4-H program as the beneficiary of a percentage of your estate, the residual of the estate or a specific amount.

Retirement Funds
You can designate the California 4-H program as a beneficiary in your retirement assets, including your IRA, 401(k), or pension.

Life Insurance

To make a gift of life insurance, please contact your life insurance provider to request a beneficiary designation form and include the California 4-H program as the beneficiary of your policy.

Life income gifts
Life income gifts such as pooled income funds, charitable gift annuities, and charitable remainder trusts, may be funded through a transfer of cash, stock, or other assets. Following the lifetime of the last beneficiary, the assets are transferred to UC ANR for use as you have specified. For this complex category of gifts, it is recommended that you work with your estate attorney to determine your plan; we can then connect you with our experts to develop a plan that meets your expectations and the requirements of the University.

Contact the California State 4-H Office
The 4-H name and emblem service marks are protected under 18 U.S.C. 707.
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