Asian Citrus Psyllid Distribution and Management
University of California
Asian Citrus Psyllid Distribution and Management

Grower Management

If psyllid is new to an area, then an eradication strategy is the best approach to managing the psyllid. If the psyllid is widely established in an area, then the growers shift to a management strategy of treating year-round with ACP-effective insecticides, focusing on overwintering adults and protecting new flush from egg laying. To determine if you are in eradication or management mode, consult the interactive mapping tool for the current distribution of ACP and HLB.

Not all insecticides are effective against ACP and some are short-lived, some only affect nymphal stages and some are quite toxic to natural enemies. 

  • Focus on overwintering adults and protecting new flush
  • Rotate between chemistries to avoid selecting for resistance
  • Use selective insecticides for in-season treatments to allow natural enemies to survive and assist with control
  • Be aware of MRLs to ensure export

Click on the tabs on the left for more details on ACP monitoring and management in commercial groves

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