The UC Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct

To encourage the widespread adoption of common goals, the President introduced, and the Regents formally accepted, the UC Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct.  UC’s mission of teaching, research, and public service requires a shared commitment to UC’s core values as well as a commitment to the ethical conduct of all UC activities.  In that spirit, the UC Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct are statements of our belief in ethical, legal, and professional behavior in all of our dealings inside and outside UC.  Read the complete UC Statement of Ethical Values and Standards of Ethical Conduct here.

The Importance of Ethics

Why are business ethics important to UC ANR?

  • We are responsible for upholding the public trust
  • We are accountable to spend and use our resources as they were intended
  • We are accountable to our “stakeholders” — donors, funding agencies, students, parents, and the public
  • Ethical behavior is a foundation of good business practices

Public employees are expected to be examples of responsible citizenship.  UC employees have a responsibility to make all professional decisions based on merit, unimpeded by conflicting personal interests.  We are expected to avoid even the appearance of impropriety.

Our reputation is important because it affects UC's ability to attract students, faculty, and staff and impacts the quality of research performed, the public's perception of us, and our standing as a renowned public institution.  Consequences of unethical actions may include:

  • Criminal charges and/or fines
  • Lawsuits
  • Ruined careers
  • Injured organization reputation
  • Wasted time
  • Low morale
  • Recruiting difficulties
  • Oppressive legislation
  • Fraud and scandals
Cultivating an Ethical Institution

How do we cultivate an ethical institution?

  • Set the tone for the organization by emphasizing good internal controls. For more information see Part I: Accountability and Responsibility under the heading Internal Controls.
  • Promote an ethical environment by embracing the ethical values and practices we deem critical. To facilitate a high level of integrity in your unit:
    • Tell people what is expected of them
    • Set the example
    • Give the message and repeat it often
    • Use available resources

For more information contact the Policies, Compliance, Programmatic Agreements Director for a referral to the appropriate unit head.