
Have you ever wondered if you are carrying out your fiscal and administrative responsibilities in the most effective manner?  Do you have questions regarding your financial responsibilities?  This Administrative Responsibilities Guide can help.  It supports UC ANR personnel who have administrative and financial oversight and includes information about accountability, ways to avoid risk, examples of good business practices, and other resources.  This Guide can help you manage and make sound business decisions related to:

  • Academic Human Resources
  • Communication Services and Information Technology
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Contracts and Grants (Research)
  • Development Services (Gift Administration)
  • Facilities Planning and Management
  • Financial Services/Business Operations Center
  • Government and Community Relations
  • Human Resources
  • Resource Planning and Management
  • Risk & Safety Services

The Administrative Responsibilities Guide was developed by the Controller's Office and the UC ANR business units.

For more information contact the Policies, Compliance, and Programmatic Agreements Director.