Technical Speakers
University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE), Farm Advisor-Central Sierra Region
Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California – Davis
Gwen-Alyn Hoheisel
Washington State University Regional Extension Specialist, Benton County Director
Gwen Hoheisel is a regional extension specialist with Washington State University focusing on perennial fruit crops and more specifically sustainable pest management, blueberry horticulture, and application technologies. She has degrees in zoology from the University of Maryland and entomology from Pennsylvania State University focusing on IPM and insect diversity.
Emilio Gil has also been a professor at Cornell University, in the United States, and is author of more than 50 scientific articles in international journals and more than 200 technical and popular articles, as well as different books in the field of engineering agri-food. He is an editor and expert reviewer of scientific journals in the sector and has given numerous international conferences. Member of different organizations in the field of agri-food engineering, the researcher has received different awards, such as the Wine Research Award Tecnovid (Zaragoza) in 2002, the 2002 award from the Centro y Canarias Agronomists Association and the award for the best doctoral thesis (accesit) Fertiberia in 2004. President of the international Award of FIMA and president of AESAVE (Asociación Española de Sanidad Vegetal).He has been director of the Aragon Government office in Brussels (2016) and member of the expert group "Ejea advances" for the management of the COVID-19 crisis in Ejea de los Caballeros (Zaragoza).
Professor Gil has given more than 60 invited lectures in all the countries of the EU and most of the countries of the American continent. He is also the author of the books Zarpazos en el Alma (Ed. Los libros del Gato Negro, 2017), Banda de música de Rivas - Conmemoración de un siglo y cuarto de andanzas musicales (Ed. DPZ, 2008), Historia del socialismo y sindicalismo en Rivas (Ed. DPZ, 2010) i Días de Campo (2019).
Jason studied biology & psychology at Mount Allison University, plant cell physiology at York University and plant cell electrophysiology at the University of Guelph. Based in Ontario’s Simcoe Resource Centre since 2008, he researches and develops practical methods to optimize productivity, spray effectiveness and reduce waste. Co-author of “Airblast101 – Your Guide to Effective and Efficient Spraying”, he also co-administers
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