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Despite efforts to reduce pesticide use in crop production via integrated pest management methods such as sanitation and biological control, pesticide use remains inevitable in most cases. Pesticide spray applications provide critical protection for crops against pest and diseases. However, growers and pesticide applicators continue to grapple with inefficient application (over-application, under-application, drift, etc.) leading to high production cost due to additional material and fuel used for repeat applications. Our research seeks to curb the undesirable economic loss together with the environmental and health risks associated with exposure to pesticides.


  • Almond Board of California (2 awards)

  • California Department of Pesticide Regulation (2 awards)

  • California Table Grape Commission (1 award)

  • Citrus Research Board (1 award)

  • Washington State Wine Commission (1 award)

  • E & J Gallo Winery (1 award)


Research Updates

Airblast Spray Deposition Data Collection in Citrus

August 18, 2021

We completed new spray deposition field data collection in a commercial navel orange orchard to assess the effect of different sprayer settings on canopy deposition. The data collected was also intended to be used to validate an existing spray deposition model previously validated with data from both Florida and California.

Airblast Spray Drift Data Collection in Almond

June 30, 2021

We completed new spray drift field data collection in a commercial almond orchard in support of development and validation of a mechanistic model for the regulatory and user community.

Airblast Spray Drift Data Collection in Citrus

April 20, 2021

We completed new spray drift field data collection in a commercial mandarin orchard in support of development and validation of a mechanistic model for the regulatory and user community.

Airblast Spray Web App Development and Deployment

February 16, 2020

We completed the deployment of two airblast web apps to provide decision support in planning and evaluating spray applications. Airblast Spray Advisor is focused on spray evaluation decision support. Airblast Spray Planner is focused on spray planning including sprayer calibration and spray timing decision support.

Airblast Spray Deposition Data Collection in Citrus

December 4, 2020

We completed new spray deposition field data collection in a commercial mandarin orchard to assess the effect of different sprayer settings on canopy deposition. The data collected was also intended to be used to validate an existing spray deposition model previously validated with data from Florida.

Spray Expert System Evaluation Survey

November 30, 2020

We concluded an online survey to collect user feedback on the CitrusSprayEx expert system. The feedback is be incorporated in the development of new web-based decision support systems to assist growers and pesticide applicators in planning and evaluating their spray applications.

Airblast Spray Drift Data Collection in Table Grape

November 20, 2020

We completed new spray drift field data collection in a commercial table grape orchard in support of development and validation of a mechanistic model for the regulatory and user community.

Comparison of Precision Airblast Sprayer Technologies Based on Model Simulations

July 10, 2019

We compared the performance of different precision airblast sprayer technologies in citrus based on simulation of a mechanistic spray deposition model.

Program Themes