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UC Master Gardener Volunteers in Los Angeles County offer workshops and other events to help educate the public about the disease, its spread, and how to select and care for fruit trees. If you’d like to schedule a workshop or event in Los Angeles County, contact Master Gardener Program Coordinator Valerie Borel at vtborel@ucanr.edu.

Do you need advice about the pest, disease and tree care? Contact your Local UC Master Gardener Program for advice:

Los Angeles County: http://celosangeles.ucanr.edu/UC_Master_Gardener_Program/

Orange County: http://mgorange.ucanr.edu/

Riverside County: https://ucanr.edu/sites/RiversideMG/

San Bernardino County: http://mgsb.ucanr.edu/

Ventura County: https://ucanr.edu/sites/VCMG/ 




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For more information about existing and new tools being developed by researchers to protect citrus from damage from Huanglongbing disease visit the University of California's Science for Citrus Health website.
