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Wild Pigs

Integrated Pest Management for Home Gardeners and Landscape Professionals

Wild pigs are not native to North America and were first introduced in California in 1769 by the Spanish missionaries at Mission San Juan Bautista. The missionaries released domestic pigs near the missions in order to take advantage of the rich natural forage resources available. Read Article (Finzel et al 2015).

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Feral swine-disease-risk-swine_USDA

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Feral swine-disease-risk-cattle_USDA


Brucellosis_Fact Sheet Summary_CFSPH


Managing Rangelands to Benefit CRLF and CTS


Ranches and grazed public lands are vital to the California tiger salamander and the California red-legged frog not just because they have remained undeveloped but because grazing as a land use is compatible with—and to a great extent beneficial for—conservation of both of these rare amphibians. Get the handbook (Ford et al 2013).

Ground Squirrels

This site has Best Management Practices (BMPs) - the most efficient, cost effective, and environmentally-friendly management methods that can achieve successful ground squirrel management. You will also find Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques - a multi-faceted, long-term approach to pest management that minimizes risks to people and the environment. Ground Squirrels Site

Natural History of the Ground Squirrels of California (Grinnel 1918)

In the case of the ground squirrels of California, we have a group of mammals which seems to have in many places benefited by human invasion. This is probably due to the destruction by man of the many predatory animals, such as hawks, eagles, coyotes and badgers, which under original conditions kept the small herbivorous mammals in check, and in part to the improved food supply made available to the ground squirrels through his cultivation of crops. Because of the destructiveness of these rodents to the planted crops and native forage upon which man is dependent to a large extent directly or indirectly for his own food supply, the problem of ground squirrel control has become one of very immediate agricultural and pastoral importance. Read full paper