California 4-H Association
University of California
California 4-H Association

About Us


The primary purpose of the Association is professional improvement and individual growth. The Association’s goals are:

  1. To provide an opportunity to network and learn from colleagues, both in California and nationwide;
  2. To promote professional development among 4-H youth staff by providing guidelines and curriculum of study, professional improvement workshops, and vehicles for communication;
  3. Recognize Association members for achievement, innovation, and service; and
  4. To establish contact with and support for the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents.


Membership in the Association is open to all Cooperative Extension or 4-H Youth Development employed or retired academic and program staff. Membership categories include:

  1. Active membership- Individuals who have paid their fees and are employed in or retired from Cooperative Extension or the 4-H Youth Development Program;
  2. Life membership- This shall be made available to persons who have retired from such employment, regardless of their previous membership in the Association; and
  3. Honorary membership- This shall be bestowed upon an individual at the discretion of the Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors shall consist of the Association’s officers and the immediate Past President. The Board shall be held responsible and shall act for, and behalf of the membership in achieving the purposes, objectives, and programs of the Association as specified in the bylaws. The Board shall determine policy, develop a budget and transact business under the authority of the Association membership.


The Association shall hold a minimum of one (1) annual meeting per year, to be determined by the Board. Regular and Life Members hold voting privileges. Honorary members do not hold voting privileges. Voting may be conducted electronically. 


The Association has two standing committees.  

Section 1: Professional Development Committee.

This committee shall be chaired by the President-Elect. This committee’s charge is to promote professional development among 4-H youth staff by providing guidelines and curriculum of study, professional improvement workshops, and vehicles for communication. This committee should be aware of the numerous opportunities which are available to enhance the professionalism of the membership, plan professional improvement events, and conduct other activities to benefit the membership. Make Association members aware of opportunities to join, participate in, or attend conferences and meetings of other appropriate organizations.

Section 2: Recognition Committee.

This committee shall be chaired by the Vice President for Recognition. This committee’s charge is to develop a system to recognize Association members for achievement, innovation, and service. Determine appropriate candidates for recognition in both state and national service award programs.



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