Livestock and Dairy
For help running, expanding, and improving your farm business, see our Farm Enterprise Management page
View the
Calendar of Events
- Whole Animal Sales for Custom Processing
- FACTSHEET - Whole Animal Sales for Custom Processing
- Flow Chart of Legal meat Processing and Sales
- Guide to Food Label Considerations, from Animal Welfare Approved
- Links to information on Organic Livestock Production
- Livestock Slaughter and Meat Processing Requirements in California
- Marin & Sonoma Alternative Livestock Production & Marketing
- Poultry Resources for backyard poultry, small-scale, and commercial production
- Practices in Organic and Grass-Fed Beef Production
- Seasonal Nutritional Requirements of a Beef cow
- Fundamentals of Beef Management
- Niche Meat & Processing page (UCCE Placer-Nevada Foothills Farming)
- Weighmaster Certificates for live weight sales of cattle
- Typical carcass yields from various livestock
- Model HACCP Plans for Meat Processing Plants (UW Extension)
- UCCE Marin Dairy Calf Management Roundtable - 10/6/16
- Dairy Farm Sustainability
- Goat Milk for Cheese Production in California's North Coast
- Guide to Food Label Considerations, from Animal Welfare Approved
- Guide to Starting a Commercial Goat Dairy
- Sustainable Goat Dairying (NCAT-ATTRA)
- Intro to Pasture-Based Dairying (NCAT-ATTRA)
- Marin & Sonoma Alternative Livestock Production & Marketing
- Organic and Pasture-Based Dairying
- Organic Feeds and Feeding for Dairy Cows
- Value-Added Dairy Options
- Building a Cheese Business
- North Bay Artisan and Farmstead Cheesemaking Resources
- Establishing a Cheesemaking Facility in Marin County
Pasture & Rangeland Management
- Dispatch Distaff (UCCE Marin)
- Taking the Sting out of Stickers (UCCE Marin)
- Rangeland Services & Payments (UCCE Marin)
- Drought Strategies for Feeding Cattle Grazing Annual Grassland
- Dryland Pasture for Sheep & Cattle
- Irrigated Pasture for Sheep & Cattle
- Marin Carbon Project
- UC Rangelands Grazing Management Online Course
- Pasture & Rangelands Resource Page (UCCE Placer-Nevada Foothills Farming)
- Online Soil Survey
- Soil Biology Primer (NRCS)
- Supplemental Feeds for Cattle Operations during Drought
- Thistle Control Alternatives (NCAT/ATTRA)
- Tools for Healthy Grasslands, Livestock, and Ranchers
- Watershed Management
- UCANR catalog of Pasture & Range Resources
- Guidelines for Describing Grazing Management & Utilization: Conducting Botanical Surveys
- UCANR Cost Study: Costs to Establish or Reestablish and Produce Pasture
- Using Grazing as a Strategy for Non-Chemical Weed Control (Chapter 5 of "BMPs for Non-Chemical Weed Control")
View our page on sustainable ag practices including getting certified Organic.