Instructions for Submitting Abstracts to the ICVG
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 15, 2012
Abstracts for oral presentations and posters to be included in the 17th meeting of the ICVG must be submitted to the Organizing Committee using the abstract submission link below. Manuscripts should be prepared with care, and they may be edited lightly for grammatical correctness prior to publication in the conference proceedings.
Once abstracts have been submitted, they will be evaluated by a committee that will assign them to oral and poster presentations and arrange the schedule for the presentations. Every effort will be made to accommodate the author's preference of oral presentation or poster, but the organizers reserve the option of moving oral presentations to posters if the number of requested oral presentations exceeds the available time frame. Under these circumstances, a high priority will be given to allowing each individual at least one oral presentation if desired. You will be notified by email of the type, date and time of your presentation.
Manuscripts should not exceed two printed 8-1/2" x 11" pages, including figures, tables, and references. The text should be single spaced, with double spaced lines between paragraphs, in Arial font size 10. Microsoft Word (.doc. or docx.) is preferred. You may be contacted by the Proceedings editor to provide alternate formats for photos or tables if they do not print suitably. The manuscript should include the following:
Title of work
Full names and institutional affiliations of all authors. The name of the corresponding author should be followed by an asterisk (*) and his/her email address.
Main Text:
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
References and on-line references. Citations in the text should use the (name, date) format. If two or more authors appear in the cited work, use only first author's name and the abbreviation et al. References should be listed in alphabetical order and include only works that have been published. The style of the reference list should follow that of the American Phytopathological Society, available online at:
Posters: Extended abstracts for posters should follow the format above. Poster sizes must not exceed dimensions of 42 inches horizontally or vertically.
Submit an Extended Abstract Here
Extended abstract manuscripts must be submitted using the link below. Please enter all information correctly, as it cannot be altered once it has been sent.