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Help us pilot our Hub!

What is the Hub?

NPI is creating a data dashboard (Hub) that will provide LHDs with real-time access to their evaluation data.

How you can help:

We are looking for 5 LHD teams to help us pilot the new tools.

What will the pilot involve?

LHDs participating in the pilot will be asked to set up a free account that will be used to access the hub. They will then test the tools available in the hub and provide feedback on their experience setting up the account and the tools themselves as part of a focus group with our NPI team. 

What is the time commitment?

We anticipate the pilot will require 5 hours of time total. 

When will the pilot begin?

We are aiming for sometime in the next few months. Exact date still being determined. We will provide a more specific date as soon as we know. 





Email Richard Pulvera at rpulvera@ucanr.edu