University of California
Central Sierra Livestock & Natural Resources
Posts Tagged: grazing
Getting Nervous... Again!
I suppose my obsession with the weather apps on my smartphone started during the 2013-2014...
A Few Observations on Broomsedge
Broomsedge Bluestem (Andropogon virginicus L.) is an increasingly problematic weed in...
Cattle and Sheep - Grazing Together?! You can do that?!
Register now for the Sierra Foothills Cattle & Sheep Grazing School! If you look back far...
Tastes Awful and is Less Filling: Observations on Drought in the Foothills
I invite you to travel back in time with me - clear back to late October 2021! We'd...
Bonding LGDs to Cattle - #6
If you've been following our effort to demonstrate techniques for bonding livestock guardian dogs...