UCCE Marin County 2017 Annual Report
University of California
UCCE Marin County 2017 Annual Report

Focus Area Spotlights

Combining Leadership and Science Technology Engineering and Math in Marin’s afterschool programs

Equity in STEM Education

It is imperative to ensure access and equity to youth development programs, particularly for the 38% of youth who identify as Latino.  The 4-H Afterschool Club at San Pedro, in partnership with Bay Area Community Resources’ Learning and Enrichment After School Program, is one example of how we are making this possible.  Other partners include Boys and Girls Club, Canal Family Support Kids Club, and YMCA Camp University.  Our 4-H Program Coordinator, Allison Keaney, provided 48 teachers and adult volunteers training and STEM curriculum support that is reaching more than 1,395 youth (1,077 Latinos) in 15 schools. (Growth mindset infographic in Equity in STEM report in Allison folder).

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