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Marin Food Policy Council


The Marin Food Policy Council (MFPC) was founded to address issues connected to food production, access, distribution, and nutritional health, affecting the county’s 248,794 residents. The Council serves a unique purpose that is not duplicated by any other body in Marin, bringing together the local food system stakeholders in a roundtable format that allows for information exchange, resource identification, and prioritization of needs. It examines the health, sustainability, and quality of life of Marin residents through the lens of community food security, and develops targeted policies and practical solutions based on a systems approach to solving food access issues. The Council works to provide a cooperative framework for action that addresses food policy issues and assists residents in increasing understanding of their food system. Food policy development is a systemic approach to the cultivation of a sustainable and equitable food system. It fosters policies that shorten the distance from farm to table while benefiting the land, economy, and well-being of all residents.

Food Policy Spotlights

Slideshow of Food Policy Council related images

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Marin Food Policy Council meetings
Third Tuesdays of each month from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Email Bonnie Nielsen at banielsen@ucanr.edu for details to join virtual meetings.


Equitable Access to Healthy & Local Food