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Monarchs in Marin
Larkspur Library - Larkspur City Hall first floor
400 Magnolia Ave.
Larkspur, CA
Contact: Teresa Capasso at: tcapasso@cityoflarkspur.org
Sponsor: UC Marin Master Gardeners

Program: A Practical Guide to Help Them Survive-Monarch butterflies, as much as we love them, are in danger of extinction here in California. Learn about their life cycle/needs and practical steps that we can take in Marin County to help with their survival.

Speaker: After 40+ years of office jobs in the finance industry, Peter Norton retired in 2013. Since then, he has become an avid gardener, with a particular interest in creating native plant habitats. He is one of the lead volunteers at the Marin Master Gardener demonstration gardens at the Falkirk Cultural Center in San Rafael. Come see and be inspired to make your yard a friendly natural habitat for the creatures around us

Cost: FREE

Sponsored by Marin Master Gardeners and Larkspur Library

Contact: Teresa Capasso, Librarian II, Larkspur Library,  tcapasso@cityoflarkspur.org or 415-927-5134