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Food Preservation Resources

Recipes and guidelines

National Center for Home Food Preservation 
A go-to site for tested, approved recipes and guidelines on all methods of preservation

The Ball Canning website
Another trusted source of recipes for canning fruits and vegetables

The University of Georgia guide to judging home-preserved foods is a great resource for those involved in judging... or those aiming for a ribbon at the San Mateo County Fair!

Publications from UCANR cover diverse topics in food safety. Below are some of our favorites.

The USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning, 2015 revision


Pressure Canning Information

The UCANR guide to the safe use of pressure canners (PDF 147KB)

Pressure gauge testing services:

  • Embarcadero Home Cannery
    Web site: http://ehcan.com
    2026 Livingston Street
    Oakland, CA 94606
    Phone: 510-535-2311
    Email: ehcan@hotmail.com
    Dial gauges are tested for approximately $5 plus return postage. Individuals would remove the gauge and mail it to EHC. They will test it using their master gauge and return it with a report as to its accuracy and invoice. They sell new gauges for $21. Once mailed, EHC will return within a week.

    Consumer Services Department
    3925 N. Hastings Way
    Eau Claire, WI 54703-2209
    Phone: 1-800-877-0441 1 – 800-368-2194.
    Web Address: www.gopresto.com
    Email: contact@gopresto.com
    Presto will test Presto canners for no charge. Simply send gauge to them (prefer shipment by UPS; allow turn around time of more than two weeks, so plan ahead!)
  • The UC Cooperative Extension for San Mateo/San Francisco office is able to test your canning gauge. Contact us to find out how!