Reminder to complete our mailing list and interest survey

Attention Mendocino & Lake Ranchers, Farmers, Forest Land Owners:

Attached is a flier about our survey that some of you may have received. It is very important that you take the time to fill out the survey as it helps us help you. It also help us justify Advisor position requests that will serve Mendocino & Lake Counties. The information we collect is completely confidential and will be used to clean up our client database and give us direction for the types of programs and research you want. If you have children of 4-H age or know others that might be interested in 4-H we will use that part of the  survey results for contacting you about participating. If you want ranch, forest or farm visits with our Advisors we will follow up with you to schedule. 

Thanks so much for completing the survey!


John Harper

UCCE Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor, Emeritus


By John M Harper
Author - Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus

Attached Files: