Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
University of California
Solution Center for Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Resources

Nutrient management involves complex set of practices that are dependent on the unique characteristics of each farm. There are so many resources out there, it can be hard to know where to start.  With that in mind, we've selected just a few that could be useful to the California agricultural community.  


General Resources

FREP Database (CDFA)

A searchable database of all FREP (Fertilizer Research and Education Program) funded research. The database is searchable by crop, county and date range, and results are in the form of concise summaries with links to the full research report.

Fertilization guidelines for major crops grown in California (CDFA)

A growing resource fertilizer guidelines for 16 major crops describing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other important nutrient guidelines.  Information on soil tests and leaf analysis is also provided.

Soil fertility and irrigation management learning modules (UCANR)

Learning modules designed to provide in-depth training on soil fertility and irrigation management in horticultural crops.  Examples include Efficient phosphorus management for vegetable production and Managing fertility in drip-irrigated processing tomatoes (CCA credit offered)

Nutrient management resources (Daniel Geisseler, UC Davis and Asif Maan)

A selection of online resources, experts, electronic Journals and books focused mainly on nutrient management in California agriculture.

The Nutrient Content of Crops (USDA)

A tool for calculating the approximate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that is removed by the harvest of agricultural crops

International Plant Nutrition Institute Tool Box (IPNI)

A selection of calculators and tools that provide estimates for crop nutrient removal, response, trends in soil test results, yield loss from nutrient rate reductions, and more. 

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Nitrogen Management 

Nitrogen management training videos (UC ANR California Institute for Water Resources)

Presentations and videos on California's nutrient management regulations, nitrogen basics, irrigation and fertilizer management. 

Field-Specific Nitrogen Fertilization Adjustments (CDFA)

An overview of the considerations needed to account for nitrogen from non-fertilizer sources, including residual soil nitrate, nitrate in irrigation water, and previous crop N credits.  This summary also presents information on leaching, volatilization, and denitrification losses.

Nitrogen prediction models for almond and pistachio (UC Davis)

A selection of tools for managing and predicting nitrogen in almond and pistachio. Includes a model that calculates N budget based on projected yield and guidelines for early season sampling and in-season budgeting.

Nitrate to nitrogen conversion and estimating N contribution from irrigation waters containing nitrate (UC ANR)

A blog post that provides a useful set of conversion rates to convert between nitrate and nitrate-nitrogen, as well as ppm nitrate to pounds N/acre inch and pounds N/acre foot. The post also discusses considerations in determining how much nitrogen in water should be credited to your crop.

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Cover Crops

SAREP cover crops database (UC SAREP)

A database of common cover crops used in California agriculture.  Entries include information on cultivar, management, potential tradeoffs and benefits of use.  

Selecting the right cover crops gives multiple benefits (California Agriculture)

An article discussing the benefits and tradeoffs of common California cover crops. Includes information on water use, pest management, growth habit, and incorporation of cover crop in rotation.

Cover Crop in Organic Systems, a California Implementation Guide (NRCS, NCAT, Xerces Society)

A detailed, California specific resource explaining the use of cover crops in organic systems.

Cover crop economics tool (USDA)

A user-friendly economic assessment tool to assess the costs and benefits of incorporating cover crops into a crop rotation.  The tool assesses both he short term and long term expected costs and benefits.

Ecological Principles of Vineyard Vegetation Management on California's Northern Coast (

A case study in Mendocino County on the use of cover crops and vegetation cover to provide benefits to vineyards. The study discusses potential for cover crops to provide benefits to soil structure, organic matter, hydrology, erosion, nutrient dynamics, diseases and insect pests, while conserving wild plant species and biodiversity.

Videos discussing cover crops

Entries on cover crops in the Solution Center Database

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Soil Organic Matter

What does organic matter do in soil? (The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation)

The basics of soil organic matter (SOM), it's role in soil and a list of management practices that could increase SOM.

Soil fertility in organic systems: lessons from long-term studies (UC Davis)

Presentation of results of long-term research in california, focusing on managing soil fertility in organic systems, including the role of soil organic matter.

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Agriculture, nutrient management and climate change

Climate Solutions in California Agriculture (California Climate and Agriculture Network)

A summary of the organic and sustainable farming and ranching practices that could provide climate benefit from the California Climate and Agriculture Network.

What Does California Climate Legislation Have to Do with Agriculture? (California Climate and Agriculture Network)

A breakdown of California's landmark climate bill AB 32 and how it may impact farmers and ranchers.

The US EPA Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Agriculture (US EPA)

A summary of the greenhouse gas emissions and trends from agricultural production, and some strategies for reducing emissions from agriculture

The California Air Resources Board Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory Query Tool (2000-2013) (CARB)

This tool allows you to select from major economic sectors, and greenhouse gases that you are interested in.  The selection results in a table that separates total greenhouse gas emissions by year for 2000-2013.

The California Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory: 2000-2013 (CARB)

The most recent edition of California’s annual statewide greenhouse gas emission inventory.


Videos on agriculture, nutrient management and greenhouse gas emissions

Entries on nutrient management and greenhouse gas emissions in the Solution Center Database

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