Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
University of California
Solution Center for Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Research Database

General Information

Research Title

Potassium Fertilization and Diagnostic Criteria for Pistachio Trees

Research Specifications

Crop: Pistachio
Soil Type:
County, State: (Glenn, Madera, Yolo), California
Year: 1999


David Q. Zeng, Patrick H. Brown, and Brent A. Holtz

Summary/Abstract from Original Source

Potassium (K) fertilization of pistachio trees in the Central Valley of California substantially increased both nut yield and quality during a three-year study. Results indicated that the presently suggested leaf K critical level of 1.0 percent should be increased to 1.7 percent or higher.

Research Highlights

Design and Methods

This study investigated the effects of potassium (K) fertilization on leaf K concentration, nut yield, and pistachio quality.

There were three study locations: Madera, Yolo, and Orland, CA. All orchards were of the 'Kernan' variety.

K was applied at rates of 0, 120, 240, and 360 lbs K2O per acre applied as potassium sulfate (K2SO4)

Initial available soil K in the top 0-6 inches of soil was 82, 97, and 125 in the Madera, Yolo, and Orland sites respectively.



Leaf K Concentrations

K fertilization reliably increased leaf K concentrations. In all but a single case, no differences in leaf K resulted from applying more than 120 lbs K2O per acre.

Leaf K uptake is low at the start of the season, and increases as fruit development proceeds from July-September. Maximal K demand occurs at the end of this period, and declines rapidly following harvest.

K Fertilization Increases Yield

  0 lbs K2O/A 120 lbs K2O/A 240 lbs K2O/A 360 lbs K2O/A
Yolo 1223 lbs/A 1567 lbs/A 1823 lbs/A 1695 lbs/A
Madera 1934 lbs/A 2806 lbs/A 3179 lbs/A 2802 lbs/A
Orland 1963 lbs/A 2619 lbs/A 3136 lbs/A 2659 lbs/A

K fertilization reliably increased yields when additions ranged from 0-240 lbs K2Oper acre. However, further increasing K application to 360 lbs K2O per acre decreased yields.

K Fertilization Increased Nut Quality

Higher percentages of split nuts, higher 100-nut weight, and lower percentages of blank and stained nuts resulted from K fertilization. However, no differences were seen between the different levels of K added.

Diagnostic Criteria for K Nutrition

A critical value of 1.67 to 2.02 leaf K% was identified as a level to attain 95% of maximum yield.


Pistachio orchards should be fertilized at a rate of 120-240 K2O/acre in California.


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