What To Do With All That Produce You Grew
So, you followed all of the advice you received from the Master Gardeners, the weather cooperated, and the bugs ate up your neighbors garden. Now what do you do with all your bounty when friends and neighbors have had enough zucchini? Well, here are a couple of suggestions.
1. Donate garden produce to local food banks. Follow these links to the food banks in your county: Shasta County
2. Your garden can help fight hunger when you plant an extra row to donate. Plant a Row for the Hungry is a campaign that was started by the Garden Writers Association.
3. Can, freeze, or dry your produce! Follow these links for more information:
National Center for Home Food Preservation - http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/
UC Food Safety - http://www.ucfoodsafety.ucdavis.edu/
UC Master Food Preserver Program
Food Preservaton Links - https://www.ksre.k-state.edu/program-areas/food-preparation-processing-and-safety/food-preservation.html
Ball Canning - http://www.Freshpreserving.com/
California Certified Farmer's Market - http://www.ccof.org
Food Safety Education - https://safety.ucanr.edu/Programs/Food_Safety_Education/
"How to Tell if Your Food Has Gone Bad" - https://youtu.be/LKNnsak4DYw?feature=shared