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Answers to your suggestions

Building Noise Level (May 2018)

Suggestion:  A general reminder is needed to staff re: building noise levels and how voices carry from open spaces on the 1st floor up to the 2nd floor in the building.
From SSOC:  The committee wishes to remind everyone of the difficulties of working in a large, open environment, and the need for everyone to be flexible and make allowances for the wide variety of work-styles and needs of all employees. Please keep the following in mind:
  • If you need to make a private call, or a conference call, or any other form of communication which requires the utmost silence, the quite rooms are available specifically for this purpose. If you do not have a laptop and require the use of a computer for your communications, please make every effort to reserve a conference room ahead of time.
  • In an open floorplan such as we have here at Second Street, voices carry far more than they do in other work environments. While the need for everyday conversations is understood, it is of the utmost importance that all employees remember to be respectful of their neighbors.