Posts Tagged: Greg Lanzaro
Mosquitoes: Out for Blood
It's good to see UC Davis mosquito researchers featured in the KQED's science program, "Deep Look." KQED journalists recently traveled to the UC Davis campus to visit several mosquito labs. The end result: The KQED news article on “How...
Culex quinquefasciatus, also known as the southern house mosquito, with a gut full of blood. Infected Culex mosquitoes can transmit the West Nile virus. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)
Just a Matter of Time
It was just a matter of time. It was just a matter of time before the so-called "super mosquito" surfaced, resulting in the failure of insecticide-treated nets to provide meaningful control from malaria in some localities in Africa. "It's a...
Medical entomologist Laura Norris (right side of table, second from top) works with a night's catch of mosquitoes in Mali.
UC Davis medical entomologist Anthony Cornel (left) emerges from a hut in Mali.
Observing Bay Area World Malaria Day
The statistics are alarming. "Every 45 seconds a child in Africa dies from malaria, a disease spread by a single mosquito bite. There are more than 200 million cases of malaria each year, and nearly 1 million of those infected die from the disease...
A malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, feeding on human blood. (Photo by Anthony Cornel)