
Day 1 - October 9

9:30 Registration
10:00 Welcome
10:30 Commensal Rodent Biology, Behavior and ID - Dr Niamh Quinn, UCCE
11:35 Rodent Speed Dating ID Niamh Quinn, UCCE, Sylvia Kenmuir BASF, Laura Krueger, OCVMCD
12:15 Working Lunch
12:30 Health Significance of Commensal Rodents - Laura Krueger, BCE OCVMCD
1:45 Break
2:00 Trapping 101-Timmy Madere, Urban Rodentologist, City of New Orleans Mosquito, Rodent & Termite Control Board
3:00 Breakout session A
4:30 Principles of ExclusionWarren Hanussak, Veseris
5:15 Dinner sponsored by Bell Labs


Day 2 - October 10

7:30 Sign in and Breakfast
8:00  Rodenticides: Modes of Action, Formulation Selection & Resistance - Sylvia Kenmuir, BCE, MSc. Senior Technical Services, BASF
9:00 Regulatory Update - Elizabeth Bondy, Agricultural/ Weights and Measures Inspector II, Los Angeles County
9:45 Break and Exhibits
10:15 Breakout Session B
12:15  Lunch and MFG updates
1:15 Rodent Mythbusters – Timmy Madere, Urban Rodentologist, City of New Orleans Mosquito, Rodent & Termite Control Board
1:45 Rats, Research and Rodenticide-Niamh Quinn, UCCE
2:45 Communication Plans:Dealing with the public and pest management-Sylvia Kenmuir, BCE, MSc. Senior Technical Services, BASF
3:15 Conducting Urban Rodent Surveys-Niamh Quinn, UCCE
4:15 Wrap Up

Day 3 - October 11

7:00 Sign in and Breakfast
7:30 Principle Sponsor Update-Nick Branca, Technical Sales Representative, Bell Laboratories
8:00 The Business of IPM and Program Development under Current Regulatory Pressures - Darren Van Steenwyk, Sprague
9:00 Putting it all together
10:15 Break
10:30 Scenario Review
11:30 Awards
11:45 Wrap Up and Quiz
12:15 Box Lunch and END