Education & Workforce

UC Cooperative Extension works with a wide range of collaborators to advance the field of Forestry and Natural Resources.  Core to these efforts are preparing future professionals for the management challenges they will face in the years to come.

Project Learning Tree

Project Learning Tree is a national curriculum which uses hands on environmental curricula to improve students' understanding of the environment.  In California, UC Cooperative Extension hosts PLT in collaboration with CalFire's Urban Forestry Program.  By helping develop students’ awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the environment, Project Learning Tree builds their skills and ability to make informed decisions. To learn more about PLT or sign up for a workshop, contact the California State Coordinators.

Forestry Institute for Teachers

The Forestry Institute for Teachers (FIT) is a free residential program offered to Kindergarten through 12th grade educators in California.  FIT brings educators into an immersive, week-long field experience with topic-specific training about California’s forest ecosystems, human use of natural resources and environmental education curriculum.   The knowledge, skills and tools provided enable educators to effectively teach about forest ecology and forest resource management practices while adopting Next-Generation Science Standards (NGSS) through Project Learning Tree (PLT) and Project WILD.  FIT curriculum and sessions are directed by teams of University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Natural Resources/Forestry Advisors and highly qualified K-12 education professionals. To learn more about FIT, contact

Forestry Career Mentorship

A collaborative program aimed at growing participation in forestry and natural resources by promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the field. Learn more here: