University of California
Homeowner's Wildfire Mitigation Guide
Links to Wildland Urban Interface Information
University of California
Building Materials and Design Issues
- http://firecenter.berkeley.edu
- WUI Demonstration Building: A Virtual Tour
- Builders Wildfire Mitigation Guide
- Homeowner's Wildfire Assessment
- http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8393.pdf
- Quarles et al., 2010. Home Survival in Wildfire-Prone Areas: Building Materials and Design Considerations
UCCE Los Angeles County
- http://ucanr.org/sites/SAFELandscapes/
- S.A.F.E. Landscapes
- Southern California SAFE Landscapes Guidebook
UCCE San Diego County
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
Living with Fire
- http://www.livingwithfire.info/
- Information on Before the Fire, During the Fire, and After the Fire
Living with Fire – Tahoe Basin
Cooperative Extension Service [USDA NIFA]
- http://www.extension.org/surviving_wildfire
- Wildfire Information Network [eWIN]
California Office of the State Fire Marshal
- http://www.fire.ca.gov/fire_prevention/fire_prevention_wildland.php
- Wildland Urban Interface Products [New Products Handbook]