Tips for Building Youths’ Public Speaking Confidence at Your Meetings

Feb 21, 2023

Public speaking skills are highly sought after. Yet, public speaking is one of the most common fears. The 4-H Youth Development Program has a history of helping youth grow their public speaking skills, but what can we do to intentionally help youth build their confidence when speaking in front of a group or audience? Research shows that public speaking skill and confidence are related, meaning we should nurture youths' opportunities which foster confidence1.

 Here are some research-based tips you can use to help youth grow their public speaking confidence at your upcoming meetings or activities:

  1. Offer lots of speaking opportunities for youth. 2,3  The more a youth can present, the more comfortable and confident they will become while speaking in front of a group. Consider providing a specific time for presentations during your meetings to build in more opportunities. Ensure that there are no barriers or requirements which might discourage youth from giving a presentation. The point is to allow any youth opportunities to speak often!
  2. Keep it positive and low pressure! 3 Offering lots of opportunities for presenting isn't enough – the public speaking experience youth have also needs to be positive. When stakes are high, youth are more likely to be anxious which has a negative impact on public speaking confidence. When possible, make sure the presentation isn't tied to a requirement, grade, rank, or score to keep it low pressure. 
  3. Make it fun. Opportunities for presenting don't only have to be prepared speeches or demonstrations. Consider incorporating games and skits which allow youth to speak as part of your meetings and activities. Allowing non-traditional methods of speaking and presenting grants youth the room to experiment with speaking style and find what is most comfortable for them4.


Public Speaking Project Sheet


State 4-H Presentation Manual

Youth Development Insights is a monthly blog that brings you the latest thoughts, ideas, strategies, and research from the field of positive youth development.  Delivered to you by academics and staff serving the 4-H Youth Development Program, our expertise represents a state wide network of University of California researchers and educators dedicated to the creation, development, and application of knowledge in agricultural, natural and human resources.  If you liked this article, please check out our other posts by clicking here: Youth Development Insights and sure to hit subscribe. 


1Worker, S. M., Nayak, R., Meng, Y., & Marshall-Wheeler, N. (in press). 4-H programs help youth improve their public speaking confidence. California Agriculture.

2 Marshall-Wheeler, N., Meng, Y., & Worker, S. (2022). Exploring Public Speaking Self-Efficacy in the 4-H Presentation Program. The Journal of Extension, 60(4), Article 12.

Warren, J. L. (2011). The relationship between service learning and public speaking self-efficacy: Toward engaging today's undergraduates. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Kentucky].

Gehrke, P. J. (2016) Epilogue: a manifesto for teaching public speaking, Review of Communication, 16(2-3), 246-264, DOI: 10.1080/15358593.2016.1193943


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