ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Lindcove Research & Extension Center’s call for Research Proposals 2011/2012

Lindcove Research & Extension Center, located in the foothills of Tulare County, has land and facilities available for 2011/2012 research projects.

Projects are reviewed and approved by a Research Advisory Committee. While LREC is primarily a citrus research center, other crops are welcome. Resources include:

Open ground available for any crop
  • 3.0 acres (Field 31)
  • 2.5 acres (Field 64E)
  • 0.9 acres (Field 91C)
Citrus orchards available for research
  • Three Valencia strains on 2 rootstocks (Field 11), 2 acres, planted 1993
  • Six navel strains on 4 rootstocks (Field 91E), 2.5 acres, planted 2003
  • Atwood navels on 21 rootstocks (Field 13), 3.25 acres, planted 1986
  • Lane late navels on 30 rootstocks (Field 54NW), 2.25 acres, planted 1990
Citrus packline with electronic grading, high-pressure fruit washer and waxer.

A new line is scheduled to be installed during summer 2011 that will greatly expand the parameters that can be measured. Three cold storage rooms holding 60 fruit bins each, two walk-in cold boxes and de-greening rooms.

Fruit Quality Evaluation Laboratory

Capable of evaluating citrus color, rind thickness, granulation, puff and crease, juice volume and sugar/acid ratio.

To submit a proposal

Using your UC ANR Portal, fill out the proposal form within the “Lindcove Research & Extension Center’s call for Research Proposals 2011/2012” survey.

These documents are due May 6, 2011, so that we can provide time for the Research Advisory Committee to review them prior to our annual meeting.

If you have any questions regarding Research Projects contact Beth Grafton-Cardwell, Director · 559-592-2408 Ext 152,

If you have any questions regarding Land, Labor & Facilities contact Kurt Schmidt, Superintendent · 559-592-2408 Ext 153,

For information on submission via ANR Portal contact Anita Hunt, Business Officer – 559-592-2048 Ext 151,

Posted on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 9:14 AM
Tags: Lindcove (2), rfp (12)

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