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Workgroup Information

Disaster Preparedness and Response

Summary Disasters are increasingly common in California, ranging from droughts, floods and wildfires to human health (e.g. COVID-19). Given the frequency of disasters in California, it is important that UC ANR is prepared to engage before, during, and after emergencies across California. A recent study conducted by some of the members of this workgroup identified the needs of UC ANR personnel to work on disaster management with California communities (Koundinya, Chiarella, Kocher, and Kearns, 2020). This new UCANR Workgroup on “Disaster Preparedness and Response” will create a forum to bring together colleagues across multiple disciplines to support our communities through trainings, grants, research and extension projects. This new “Disaster Preparedness and Response Workgroup” will provide structure for an interdisciplinary team that has already worked together on the UCANR Disaster Happen Guide, Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) Community Listening Sessions and on a recently submitted a RREA grant and other grant applications. -Community Resilience to climate change related disasters and public health emergencies -Protecting where we live. Healthy landscapes and urban forests Main Outputs: Research, Extension actvities, Product and material development (including online)
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Sabrina Drill (Co-Chair)
Phone 3238425399
Unit: Los Angeles County
Location: UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, 91801
Name Tracy Schohr (Co-Chair)
Phone (916) 716-2643
Unit: Plumas Sierra
Membership List
CE Advisor
Bennaton, Rob Master Food Preservers
  Bay Area Urban Agriculture Advisor Small Scale Food Production and Soil Quality/Resource Management ; Food and Land Access and Security
Blackburn, Mary Alameda County Cooperative Extension
  Family and Consumer Sciences, Health & Nutrition Advisor Family and consumer sciences, EFNEP and FSNEP
Caeton, Nathaniel Shasta County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor 4-H Youth Development Program
Drill, Sabrina Los Angeles County
  Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus Climate resilience, urban ecology, watershed education, community science and engagement, environmental justice, conservation and restoration of aquatic and wildland habitats and anadramous fishes, aquatic and terrestrial invasive species, fire ecology and landscape preparation, land use and conservation planning
Kocher, Susan Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Forestry/ Natural Resources Advisor Forestry, wildfire, prescribed fire, post-fire recovery, adult education, facilitation, public participation
Macon, Daniel Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland livestock production, economics, and management
Neelon, Marisa Community Nutrition and Health
  Community Nutrition and Health Advisor, Emeritus Food security and the prevention of childhood obesity and chronic disease in populations with low-income.
Schohr, Tracy Plumas Sierra
  Livestock & Natural Resource Advisor Research and extension in the region focused on irrigated pasture, invasive species, mountain meadows, water quality and business management. Catastrophic fires in her counties have also lead to an evolving program on urban fire implications to natural resources, disaster preparedness and shelter management.
CE Specialist
Koundinya, Vikram
  Evaluation Specialist (Assistant CE Specialist) Program evaluation, needs assessment, mixed-methods evaluation/research
Other ANR
Ira, Gregory Environmental Stewards (formerly California Naturalist Program)
  Director, UC Environmental Stewards Statewide Program Environmental Stewardship, Environmental Education, Climate Change Education, Natural History Training, Program Management, Collective Impact, Workforce Development, Social Franchise.
Kearns, Faith California Institute for Water Resources
  Academic Coordinator II water and drought, fire, climate change,science communication
Lee, Danielle Nutrition Policy Institute (NPI)
  Director of Communications & Research Engagement Public Health Nutrition
Membership Totals
Number of Members12
ANR Members12
Info Only0
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