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California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
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University of California
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Data requested does not exist. Data requested does not exist. Data requested does not exist.
A vendor has requested a copy of my Research Authorization form to order experimental pesticides for field trials that I am conducting. Where can I get this?
An issue of liability has come up and we would like to know if we should continue to supply over the counter medications (i.e. Tylenol, aspirin, etc.) in our First Aid kits?
Are fire extinguishers required to be installed on forklifts, tractors, or other non-road vehicles?
Are Forklift load centers based on a flat center (length) or a cubed center (length & Height)?
Are there a minimum number of safety trainings that are required per year? For example, is one safety training a month required?
As part of our irrigation research program, we will be using a neutron probe to monitor soil moisture during the upcoming growing season. When is the next neutron probe training class offered?
Can I mix-and-match different brands of cartridges and respirators?
Can you please give me more info about the Be Smart About Safety grants? I would like to know the deadline and the details please.
Can you send me the list of approved asbestos disposal sites?
Do I need a medical clearance to wear a respirator?
How can I get my medical medical evaluation?
How does our Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) apply to the Master Gardener’s. With regard to reporting incidents, training, etc., does our plan cover them? What about our Hotline volunteers? Since the Hotline is located here at the office, it would be good for them to know where to evacuate to in case of an emergency.
How long do we need to keep a copy of training records?
How often is a fit test required?
I believe that the survey has an incorrect answer in the system for General Shop Safety. The question is in regards to the Compressed Gas Cylinders? Shouldn’t gas cylinders be secured all the time?
I have heard that CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) classes will only be teaching chest compressions procedures, instead of mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing. Is this correct?
I overheard there are reward perks available for taking or reviewing some of your tips and trainings? Is this true?
Is the purchase of work boots or other protective clothing considered an allowable UC expense if the job requires it?
Is there an OSHA regulation that an eyewash station must be within a specific distance from the chemical storage?
Regarding voluntary use of respirators, what is the frequency of refresher training on this? For example, if I train employees and they fill the forms out for voluntary use in September, when will they need to be trained and the forms filled out again?
The standard is for AQI PM2.5 only correct? Not for AQI ozone.
We are having trouble obtaining a Remedy OES Ergonomic program password - it says that there isn't any account information for our e-mails?
We are planning to purchase a portable eyewash, can you recommend a model?
We just viewed the video about “Emergencies in the Workplace” and the EH&S Safety Note #6 on Earthquake Safety. Both sources indicated that in case of earthquakes, one should take cover under a sturdy object. However, new information provided to us talks about “the triangle effect”. If this is the procedure that we should be following then the video and safety note should be updated. Please advise.
What chemicals need to be on the chemical inventory list? For which chemicals do I need an MSDS? Does this include bottles of household cleaning supplies kept in an office?
What do we do if we cannot find AQI PM2.5 data for our location? We have tried all the recommended sources, but there is no published real-time monitoring that serves our area.
What ergonomic training/assessment would I need if I would like to request funding through our BSAS program for ergonomic equipment?
What is the mailing address to return safety training videos?
When do employees who work with pesticides need medical monitoring (blood testing for cholinesterase levels)?
When do I need to discard a cartridges/filter?
When sending in inspection information, do we need to send in the actual inspection documents or the notes that we take while walking around with the inspector?
While the regulation (8CC5141.1) is specific to "wildfire" smoke, if there was an AQI PM2.5 over 151 without a "active" wildfire, would we still need to adhere to the Cal-OSHA standard?
Who calibrates and tests the fume hoods in our laboratory? In-house test technician or outside vendor contractor? How often do they need to be tested?
Who is responsible for the cost of the medical evaluation?
Who is responsible for the cost of the respirator?
Who sees my medical questionnaire?
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