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Frequently Asked Questions

Who owns and oversees the operation of the ranch? Elkus Ranch is operated by the University of California Cooperative Extension Service. Mr and Mrs Richard J. Elkus donated the ranch to the University in 1975. Elkus Ranch Staff are responsible for the day to day operations, programming and maintenance of the ranch and are employees of the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) division.

What is located on the ranch? Sheep, goats, chickens, rabbits, horses and a miniature donkey all live at Elkus Ranch, along with an abundance of native plants and animals. Three platform tents, two restored barns, a picnic area, gardens, a greenhouse, and lath house are available for different Elkus environmental education activities.

How is the ranch funded? Elkus Ranch is funded by a variety of income sources including donations, grants, program fees, Conference Center rentals, and support from the University of California (UC). UC support represents about half of the ranch's annual budget.

Public donations are a significant portion of our annual budget and we encourage donations of any size.

How many adults and children visit the ranch annually? The ranch hosts approximately 7,000 visitors annually. The majority of our visitors come from schools and youth serving agencies throughout the Bay Area.

Is the ranch open to the general public? For the safety of our animals and visiting children, Ranch visits are by reservation only. You can get more details about how to make a reservation for your own visit on our Programs page.

Are there volunteer opportunities? Yes, there are numerous volunteer opportunities available for community service and group volunteering in particular.  We are also looking for strategic volunteers to help us with our 50th anniversary celebration scheduled for fall 2025. 

All inquiries should be made to the Elkus Ranch Coordinator, Amy Bono at abono@ucanr.edu or (650) 712-3151.

What is the Conference Center? The Elkus Ranch Conference Center is a 4,400 square foot facility featuring a large main room, accessible parking, accessible restrooms, and a commercial kitchen. Although in a rustic setting with no cell service, the Conference Center has wheelchair accessibility, wifi, and can be set up with a projector, tables and chairs as best fits your needs.  Learn more and inquire about rental availability here.

The Conference Center is available for day conferences, workshops, team building, trainings, plus weddings and special events.