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Materials/Resources for Post-Fire

Post-Fire Resources

Post-fire Management Concerns & Challenges:


For a brief overview and further resources, view Post-Fire Consideration for Landowners by Ryan Tompkins, UCCE Forester & Natural Resource Advisor

For a detailed introduction, view Recovering from Wildfire: A Guide for California's Forest Landowners by Kristen Shive, UCCE Fire Specialist, and Susan Kocher, UCCE Forester & Natural Resource Advisor

For a series of presentations on post-fire topics, visit the UC Forestry and Range YouTube Channel to find our Wildfire Series: Post-Fire Recovery, which overviews post-fire topics such as:

Post-fire Reforestation Consideration

Post-fire Oak Survival and Regeneration

Impacts of Fire on Rangelands

Understanding Wildfire Impacts on Soil 

Post-fire Safety and Environmental Considerations

Post-fire Safety and Environmental Considerations

For resources on:

  • Assessing Fire-Killed Trees
  • Snags and Safety 
  • Erosion Control

See our  for a brief overview of the importance of managing for competing vegetation following a wildfire and treatment practices

Visit, the Wildfire Forestry Recovery Page

See our Post-Fire Erosion Control: Mitigating Hillslope Erosion Following a Wildfire by Alison Deak (UCCE Fire Advisor) for a brief overview of the post-erosion control consideration and techniques.

Suggested Resources:

"Persistence of fire-killed conifer snags in California, USA 

View “Assessing Post Fire Tree Mortality: A Forest Stewardship Follow Up Workshop(Beginning to minute 41) 

Post-fire Reforestation Practices

Post-fire Reforestation Practices 

Suggested resources:

Review “Forest Stewardship #7: Forest Regeneration 

Review “Forest Stewardship #25 Climate Change 

Review “Reforestation Practices for Conifers in California: Chapter 3

Post-fire Competing Vegetation Management

Post-fire Competing Vegetation Management

See our Post-Fire: Competing Vegetation Management Forest Factsheet for a brief overview of the importance of managing for competing vegetation following a wildfire and how you can leverage treatment tools to meet your management objectives.

For more information on how herbicide is used in post-fire reforestation efforts, view our new Managing Competing Vegetation with Herbicide fact sheet

Review “Forest Stewardship #6 Forest Vegetation Management” 

Review “Reforestation Practices for Conifers in California: Chapter 8” 

Review “Field Guide: Weeds, Forages and Natives of the Central Sierra Nevada” 

View UC Livestock and Range advisor factsheet on Post-fire Grazing in Intermountain Ranges

View our Post-fire factsheet on Managing resprouting oaks and hardwoods

For more information, visit our Reforestation Page