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Current Research Rates

Research Rates are approved on an annual basis. 
Approved full cost rates for research conducted at Hansen Agricultural REC for the period July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025: 

Per Acre Rate:

Full Cost: $7,388.72

Non-UC Researcher cost per acre*: $10,048.66

Hourly Labor Rate:

Full Cost: $57.64 per hour

Non-UC Researcher cost per hour*: $78.39 per hour

Greenhouse Rate:

Full Cost: $2.34 per square foot

Non-UC Researcher cost per hour*: $3.18 per square foot

* A Non-University fee of 36% is added to the Full Cost Rate for Non-UC led research.

UC ANR-HAREC provides funding to UC researchers to help reduce these rates. Please contact:

Kathleen Speer at kspeer@ucanr.edu or
Annemiek Schilder at amschilder@ucanr.edu.