
Your HR Analyst will contact you when you are approved to begin the interview process. It is recommended that you review the Interview Guidelines as it contains detailed information about each step of the interviewing process.

Interview Panel

In preparation for the interview, you will need to select a diverse interview panel that represents our workforce. Your panel must have at least three paid UC-employees on it. If you are interested in having an emeritus-status employee serve on your panel, please contact your assigned HR Analyst. 

Once you’ve selected and finalized your interview panel, you will need to list their names and titles in your Zendesk ticket. Your HR Analyst and Affirmative Action will need to review and approve your panel before you start scheduling interviews. 

Interview Questions

In addition to submitting your interview panel, you will also need to submit your interview questions ahead of time so that your HR Analyst and Affirmative Action have time to review and approve the questions. You must use the same interview questions for each applicant. Contact your analyst if you would like us to send you examples of position specific interview questions.

For a more generic list of interview questions, please take a look at our Sample of Interview Questions guide. 

Work Sample Option

Work samples are used as an additional tool, along with the information presented in the candidate's application and the interview process, to make a final selection. This may not be a skills test. 

If you are going to request a work sample, please make sure to discuss it with your HR Analyst prior to the interview. The HR Analyst will need to know the purpose of asking for a work sample and what are the expected results. Before requesting to use a Work Sample, please review the Work Sample Instructions.