Dec 13, 2013
To help growers, packers, shippers and handlers of Central Valley crops, Carlos Crisosto, CE postharvest physiologist, Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center and the UC Davis Plant Sciences Department, published the Central Valley Postharvest Newsletter (CVPN). CVPN archives contain summarized information relevant to fresh fruit growers, packers, shippers and handlers. The archives are available from the UC KARE and UC Davis websites.
Other online resources that Crisosto recommends include:
- The UC Davis Fruit & Nut Research & Information
- A draft version of the forthcoming revision to USDA Agricultural Handbook 66 (Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables and Florist and Nursery Stocks)
- Postharvest information site of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- World Vegetable Center Postharvest Information
- Postharvest Education Foundation (training in postharvest technology)
- Production and Handling of Avocado
- University of Florida Postharvest Group, including citrus resources
- University of Florida Citrus Resources
- California Citrus Research Board – supported research reports
- Washington State University Postharvest Information Network (emphasis on apple, pear, and cherry)
- North Carolina State University postharvest publications
- Sydney Postharvest Laboratory information
- Chain of Life Network® website with recommendations for the care, handling and marketing of floral crops
By Laura J. Van der Staay
Contributor - KARE Program and Facility Coordinator, IR-4 Field Research Center Director
Contributor - KARE Program and Facility Coordinator, IR-4 Field Research Center Director
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