Water quality
Groundwater quality
Assessing nitrate leaching potential by hazard index. L. Wu, J. Letey, C. French. (2008) CPSC.
Avocado growers can reduce soil nitrate groundwater pollution and increase yield and profit. C. Lovatt. (1995) FREP.
Development of a nitrogen fertilizer recommendation model to improve N-use efficiency and alleviate nitrate pollution to groundwater from almond orchards. P.H. Brown. (1996) FREP.
Effects of irrigation nonuniformity on nitrogen and water use efficiencies in shallow-rooted vegetable cropping systems. J. Mitchell, L. Wu, B. Sanden. (1999) FREP.
Efficient irrigation for reduced non-point source pollution from low desert vegetables. C.A. Sanchez, D. Zerihun, K.M. Bali. (1998) FREP.
Field evaluation of water and nitrate flux through the root zone in a drip/trickle irrigated vineyard. D. Grimes. (1992) FREP.
Influence of irrigation management on nitrogen use efficiency, nitrate movement, and ground water quality in a peach orchard. R.S. Johnson, C.J. Phene. (1995) FREP.
Long-term nitrate leaching below the root zone in California tree fruit orchards. M. Denton, T. Harter, J.W. Hopmans, W.R. Horwath. (2004) FREP.
Nitrogen fertilizer management to reduce groundwater degradation. S.A. Weinbaum, D.A. Goldhamer. (1991) FREP.
Nutrient loading in the Klamath Basin. K.A. Rykbost, B.A. Charlton. (2001) WNMC.
Nutrient management in cool-season vegetables. S. Pettygrove, T. Hartz, B. Hanson, L. Jackson. R, Smith, T. Lockhart, S. Grattan. (2003) UC ANR Publication 8098.
Potential nitrate movement below the root zone in drip irrigated almonds. R.D. Meyer. (1992) FREP.
Vegetable production best management practices to minimize nutrient loss. T.K. Hartz. (2006) HortTechnology 16(3):398-403.
Surface water quality
Efficient phosphorus management in coastal vegetable production. T.K. Hartz. (2004) FREP.
Efficient use of phosphorous fertilizer in California vegetable production. T.K. Hartz, M. Cahn, M. Swain-Johnstone. (2003) WNMC.
Evaluation of polyacrylamide (PAM) for reducing sediment and nutrient concentration in tail water from Central Coast vegetable fields. M,. Cahn, H. Ajwa, R. Smith. (2005) FREP.
Lettuce response to phosphorus fertilization in high phosphorus soils. P.R. Johnstone, T.K. Hartz, M.D. Cahn, M.R. Johnstone. (2005) HortScience 40(5):1499-1503.
Overview of TMDLS: focus on the West. N. Mesner. (2003) WNMC.
Phosphorus effects on surface water quality and phosphorus TMDL development. C.C. Shock, K. Pratt. (2003) WNMC.
International symposia :: vegetable
International conference on environmental problems associated with nitrogen fertilisation of field grown vegetable crops. (2001) ISHS Acta Horticulturae 563.
International symposium towards ecologically sound fertilisation strategies for field vegetable production. (2006) ISHS Acta Horticulturae 700.
IV International symposium on ecologically sound fertilization strategies for field vegetable production. (2010) ISHS Acta Horticulturae 852.
Workshop towards and ecologically sound fertilisation in field vegetable production. (2002) ISHS Acta Horticulturae 571.
XXVI International Horticultural Congress: toward ecologically sound fertilization strategies for field vegetable production. (2003) ISHS Acta Horticulturae 627.
CPSC = California Plant and Soil Conference
FFTC ASPAC = Food & Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region
FREP = Fertilizer Research and Education Program completed project
UC ANR = University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
UF IFAS = University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences
WNMC = Western Nutrient Management Conference
WTFRC = Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission