Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
University of California
Solution Center for Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Research Database

General Information

Research Title

Tightly-Coupled Plant-Soil Nitrogen Cycling: Comparison of Organic Farms across an Agricultural Landscape

Research Specifications

Crop: Tomato
Soil Type: Tehama loam, Capay silty clay, Brentwood silty clay, Yolo silt loam
County, State: Yolo, California
Year: 2015


Bowles, Timothy M., Hollander, Allan D., Steenwerth, Kerri, Jackson, Louise E.

Summary/Abstract from Original Source

How farming systems supply sufficient nitrogen (N) for high yields but with reduced N losses is a central challenge for reducing the tradeoffs often associated with N cycling in agriculture. Variability in soil organic matter and management of organic farms across an agricultural landscape may yield insights for improving N cycling and for evaluating novel indicators of N availability. We assessed yields, plant-soil N cycling, and root expression of N metabolism genes across a representative set of organic fields growing Roma-type tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in an intensively-managed agricultural landscape in California, USA. The fields spanned a three-fold range of soil carbon (C) and N but had similar soil types, texture, and pH. Organic tomato yields ranged from 22.9 to 120.1 Mg ha-1 with a mean similar to the county average (86.1 Mg ha-1), which included mostly conventionally-grown tomatoes. Substantial variability in soil inorganic N concentrations, tomato N, and root gene expression indicated a range of possible tradeoffs between yields and potential for N losses across the fields. Fields showing evidence of tightly-coupled plant-soil N cycling, a desirable scenario in which high crop yields are supported by adequate N availability but low potential for N loss, had the highest total and labile soil C and N and received organic matter inputs with a range of N availability. In these fields, elevated expression of a key gene involved in root N assimilation, cytosolic glutamine synthetase GS1, confirmed that plant N assimilation was high even when inorganic N pools were low. Thus tightly-coupled N cycling occurred on several working organic farms. Novel combinations of N cycling indicators (i.e. inorganic N along with soil microbial activity and root gene expression for N assimilation) would support adaptive management for improved N cycling on organic as well as conventional farms, especially when plant-soil N cycling is rapid.

Research Highlights

Design and Methods

  • Growers face the challenge of supplying crops with sufficient N fertilization to obtain high yields while avoiding N pollution to the environment.
  • Soil carbon plays an important role in controlling soil N availability and transformations such as mineralization, nitrification, and denitrification.
  • This study examined yields, plant-soil N cycling, and changes in root consumption of N in soils on organic farms of differing soil C levels.


  • Fields that showed highest levels of soil C generally had more efficient N cycling, meaning that N losses were limited while high yields were still obtained.
  • These fields were part of systems that utilized inputs with high C:N ratios coupled with targeted use of organic fertilizers with high levels of plant available N, such as fish emulsion, at times of max crop N demand.
  • Despite significant yield decreases generally associated with organic farming, the average yield of the most efficient systems studied (42.8 tons/ac) exceeded the average county yield (38.5 tons/ac), which included mostly conventional operations.
  • In these fields, genetic analysis showed increased potential for root N uptake and high levels of soil microbial activity.
  • These results show the importance of measuring not only seasonal nitrate and ammonium levels, but also soil microbial activity and root genetics to capture   a more accurate picture of soil N supply.

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