Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
University of California
Solution Center for Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Research Database

General Information

Research Title

Grapevine Nutrition: An Australian Perspective

Research Specifications

Soil Type:
Country: Australia
Year: 2009


Ashley, R.

Summary/Abstract from Original Source

The physiological and metabolic processes involved with grapevine growth and production are influenced by key macro or micro-nutrients. Elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, boron, zinc, manganese, iron, and copper, play important roles in vine functioning, growth, yield, and/or quality. Nutritional effects on wine quality have also been identified, thus giving even greater importance to nutritional management. In many viticultural regions, particularly in Australia, nutritional deficiencies of key elements in soils have led to research into fertilizer requirements of grapevines. The ancient soils of Australia present specific challenges with a range of nutritional deficiency present across the continent in different viticultural regions. As our understanding of the nutritional needs of grapevines has evolved, we, as grape growers, are better equipped to develop effective fertilizer management programs for healthy and productive vine growth. Fertilizer programs should aim to address individual elemental deficiencies experiened by vines to ensure balanced growth between foliage and crop, rapid ripening of fruit and wood, and promote wine quality. This paper will review vine nutrition by evaluating the roles of the essential nutrients in the growth and productivity of grapevines and the physical symptoms expressed when individual elements are deficient or exceed vine requirements. Nutritional and fertilizer mangement will also be addressed, in terms of assesing vine and soil nutrient status and answering the importance of fertilitzer application questions, including selection of fertlizers, how much to fertilize and timing of fertilizer application for healthy grapevine production.

Research Highlights

Design and Methods

  • This research provides a comprehensive overview of the nutritional needs of grapevines, including:
    • nitrogen
    • phosphorus
    • potassium
    • calcium
    • magnesium
    • sulfur
    • molybdenum
    • copper
    • zinc
    • boron
  • The research describes fertilizer management for each nutrient, including:
    • symptom of deficiencies
    • balancing foliage and crop
    • yield
    • timing
    • rate of applications



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