Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
University of California
Solution Center for Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Research Database

General Information

Research Title

Nitrogen Source Effects on Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irrigated No-Till Corn

Research Specifications

Crop: Corn
Soil Type: clay
Country: Colorado
Year: 2010


ardell D. Halvorson, Stephen J. Del Grosso, Francesco Alluvione

Summary/Abstract from Original Source

Research Highlights

Design and Methods

This study investigated the effects of 4 enhacned efficiency N fertilizers on nitrous oxide emissions in a no-till corn system.

The fertilizer blends tested included:

  1. ESN polymer coated urea
  2. Duration III polymer coated urea
  3. SuperU
  4. Urea ammonium nitrate + AgrotainPlus

Polymer coated urea is urea that is coated with a water permeable layer that allows for gradual release of urea.

SuperU contains a urease and nitrification inhibitors that are distributed uniformly through the granules. AgrotainPlus contains the same inhibitors that were then added to urea ammonium nitrate.

In year 1, N was applied at a rate of 220 lbs N/ac.

In year 2, N was applied at a rate of 180 lbs N/ac.

All fertilizer was band applied followed by sprinkler irrigation applications.

Measurements of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane emissions were taken through the duration of the experiment. Soil water and temperature were also monitored.

Grain yields and nitrogen uptake were evaluated as well.


Enhacned efficieny fertilziers reduced N2O emissions as comapred to urea alone.

SuperU reduced emissions by 48%, ESN by 34%, Duration III by 31%, and UAN+AgrotainPlus by 53% averaged over two years.

Grain yields were not reduced due to the enhanced efficiency fertilizers.

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