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Capstone: Where Have We Bee and Where Are We Going?

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Capstone: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?

Paul F. Starrs, Distinguished Regents & Foundation Professor of Geography (emeritus), University of Nevada, Reno


Studies of oak woodlands, including their presence, biotic, economic, pastoral, scientific, and aesthetic values, began in Classical times. Around the world, oaks and their products are recognized and managed with care and ingenuity. In California, the first Oak Symposium was held in 1979, and it and subsequent symposia produced seven volumes of proceedings. At this meeting, topics include sustainability, climate, geography & history, population dynamics — including gene banks and pests, phenology, fire ecology, landowner goals, grazing, soil dynamics, indigenous management, fresh monitoring technologies, and woodland restoration, with several of those themes likely a mystery 43 years ago at the 1979 gathering. This commentary asks a question — How are our sensibilities concerning oak woodlands and their future changing through the years?